
So if McCain a maverick by agreeing with Bush and choosing a safe right-winger?

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or he just wants to become president and values be damned




  1. McCain will still be a moral President.

  2. She is a Maverick. She sued President Bush to make him take Polar Bears off of the endangered species list so that it would be easier to open up ANWAR for the oil companies. Striking a blow against her party. Her and McCain are soul mates. They both hate endangered species and love oil companies. Don't you know that Bush hated that.

  3. you have to be more specific, what are you trying to say.

  4. When he ran in 2000, he was a completely different person.  He actually did "fight the system" and speak the truth.

    He has changed so much, and reversed his position on just about every issue since then, that I have to wonder...

    either he's pandering, or his Alzheimer's has taken over.

    Check this's scary how much he's changed!

  5. that's what it seems like.

  6. It's all very confusing isn't ? McCain is a maverick that agreed with Bush 90% of the time and also chose a right wing VP. WTF ?!

  7. Politics is about winning, not the issues in his mind.

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