
So if McCain dies, the country would go to a 44 year old nobody?

by  |  earlier

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from nowhere Alaska, who knows NOTHING about the economy or foreign policy?

But I must admit, she does have conservative credentials, after all, she is under state investigation.




  1. She's WAYYYY better than Obama buddy!

  2. Its really amazing just how many people on here are ready to criticize others. If anyone out here can do a better job then you should be up there instead but then just how many of us could ever pass a scrutiny test?  Not many I suspect. Remember the Bible, people for centuries have committed sins and will continue to do so but its Gods job to judge us. I hate to tell you but if you ever did any research on any of our already elected officials, youd find murderers, drug dealers, cheaters, fraud specialists, and so forth. None of them has a totally clean record so quit picking on what we have now

  3. She knows more than Obama.  Has more experience than Obama.  Obama is a nobody.......

  4. Takes a LOT more to run a state than to vote in one. You might want to check your history and find out why governers, not senators have won the presidential elections for decades.

  5. Obama was who 4 years ago???   Why are you ignoring Obama's lack of credentials?  Besides, EVERY candidate eventually gets investigated...   She only fired someone though.  Want to talk about Rezko?

    And, this cannot be reported has a non answer cause no question was asked.

  6. And if Obama doesn't die in office the country will be run by a 40 year old nobody who knows nothing about foreign policy.

    I'd rather have inexperience at the bottom of the ticket instead of the top.

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