
So if McCain is elected president, do you think he will do another round of Bush tax cuts?

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and promises more trickle down after a boom by the rich????

I think that would be the # 1 play in his economic play book don't you?




  1. I hope he does

    if you were not helped by the tax cuts you should try seeking employment.

  2. I don't trust McCain to keep any of his campaign promises. However, I did benefit from the Bush tax cuts and I am not rich. So if he is elected I do hope that he maintains them. I am ready for Bush to leave office because I am not happy with his administration overall, but to deny that I am much better off than I was 8 years ago would just be an outright lie.

  3. We don't need more tax cuts. We need to pay our bills. Anybody who thinks these tax cuts have helped our economy ought to have a look at a graph of the S&P500 from 2000 to 2008.  

  4. Fact: Obama will cut your taxes more than McCain (unless you make > $226K/year)

    Washington Post:

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