
So if McCain is to leave office for whatever reason he will be leaving behind someone less experienc as Obama?

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If elected that is.

I know I spelled experienced wrong...




  1. experience is overrated.

  2. Actually, Gov. Palin has more executive experience than Sen. Obama and Biden combined. She has almost a 90% approval rating in Alaska too. I thought it was pretty bold of Obama's campaign to use experience as an issue with Palin, since he doesn't have much room to talk!

  3. Exactly.  Say no to McCain/Palin.

  4. Not only experience but some scary views on the issues. Doesn't believe in global warming, absolutely against abortion even in cases of rape or incest, wants creationism taught in schools.

    Makes Bush look pretty liberal by comparison.  

  5. If the voters cared so much about experience then they wouldn't have given us Jimmy Carter or George W Bush.

  6. he will be leaving somebody better for the job

  7. Thankyou! Finally somone who agrees..We'll be having an unknown beauty queen from alaska running the country..scary thought

  8. From where I stand, they have about the same amount of experience.

  9. No, it would be Palin

  10. He's not going to leave

  11. No, someone with more experience and vastly more common sense.

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