
So if Russia gives Iran a top new nuclear missile system, then what, WWIII next week?

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Russia is deploying the threat to sell a "game changing" air defence system to Iran as a high stakes bargaining chip in its new "cold war" with America, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.




  1. The USA and World Community (EU, China) wouldn't allow that to happen. We have already warned Iran about enriching more uranium, please believe that would be stopped before it happened. By any means necessary.

  2. Well, maybe we shouldn't have been sending that missile shield in Poland, and Czech Republic, I'd bet you anything Russia wouldn't be sending that nuclear missile system, either.

    Remember when the USSR installed missiles in Cuba, we felt threatened? Now, it's Russia feeling threatened and bullied. Russia is not imperialistic like it used to be 25 years ago, They already changed dramatically, and we also changed dramatically. We turned into bullies, if we quit threatening others, or quit sticking our noses in global affairs, US-Russian tensions would lower, and we could be friends, like exchanging technology, and how to encourage world peace, just not under the barrel of a gun. Take care.

  3. scary.. I would hope our nation would not just jump in without full UN supoort like Mccain might do.

  4. not going to happen, you can sneak out uranium out the backdoor of technical institutes, russia has nothing, its a weak country with half of its military already rusted away.

  5. If Iran was in Canada and Mexico, wouldn't you want to be ready for it when they attacked?

  6. Maybe just a few nukes will take care of it without WWIII.

  7. no only if al-queda were to join then, stuff would get serious

  8. Yep - the Biblical War of Ezekiel is almost upon us!  

    "Many Christian scholars see a correspondence between the details of Ezekiel's prophecy and current events concerning Israel and the Middle East. They consider the return of the Jews to Israel, the re-establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict as developments which are pointing toward the soon fulfillment of Ezkiel 38-39. More specifically, the anti-Israel rhetoric of the government of Iran (called "Persia" until 1935 and identified in Ezekiel 38:5 as one of the countries that will attack Israel) and the alliance forming between Russia and Iran are also considered by many scholars to match Ezekiel's prophecy.......In the Tanakh or Old Testament, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel chapters 38-39 speaks of a specific invasion carried out by a coalition of nations against the Land of Israel. This invasion will be led by an individual referred to as "Gog", who is said to originate from "The Land of Magog" (Ezekiel 38:1-2). Hence, the battle is often called the "War of Gog and Magog." Ezekiel states that the invading armies will lose without a battle, when God rains down fire and brimstone on their military forces (Ezekiel 38:20-22). Gog of the Land of Magog, the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal, pillages the Land of Israel, and is destroyed by fire from heaven and for seven months, Israel buries the corpses in a valley called "Hamon-Gog.""


  9. no it won't. but that don't stop a volatile situation from occuring sooner or later. we would have to see more arms build up on a global scale before a war of such magnitude could be said to be a possibility.

    although, i must say that we might be witnessing the very first strategic moves pre empting the first strike...

  10. Iran has been on  America's enemies list since 1979  and Russia has been  on the list  since the  end of WWII - I personally believe that part of  the strategy  of the United States  going to  Iraq  was partly to have a   strong American influence in an  oil rich country  and   to sandwich  Iran  with bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. As far as Russia goes the iron curtain may  have fallen but the old KGB  fellows  are itching to get back  in this dangerous   game  with the west . A WWIII would  be sparked by Israel striking Iran forcing these 2 countries strongest  allies U.S. and Russia  to act

  11. Should have seen THAT coming.

    Bush has added restarting the Cold War to his list of accomplishments.

    How is it possible for one idiot to do so much &*^$%# damage?

  12. let america,destroys its own nuclear arsenal,and then ask every one not develop,and destroy their own nuclear arsenal,i guess every country would agree to it.

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