Seriously, I've worked for Wal-Mart. I fully admit Wal-mart is not the greatest company to work for. They treated me like a disposable number on the overnight shift. However, I knew that I could always quit, which i did, and start something new. I went to a new job, but there was always the chance of higher education or moving to a new place for better careers.
Now most people who work at Wal-Mart and such places like it have the ability to make those choices. I concede that 20 to 30 percent of them are not so fortunate do to tight finances, medical reasons, and other circumstances. But most are able to. As a matter of fact, doesn't Wal-Mart have a relatively high turn-over rate?
Instead of depending on the government to save you and bolster you up in life, why don't the fully able better their situations instead of squandoring their life away squawking about their bad practices?