
So if i take my US money to the dominican republic will i be like rich over there or is it about the same?

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how much of a difference is the US dollar compared to the dominican republic peso?




  1. With things like grocery and household items, One dollar will buy about the same thing as in US. (bread, pop, etc.) Some things are much cheaper though, like houses. You can buy a nice house for under $20K. Rents are also much lower. You have to realise that an average Dominican does not have what we have in the US. Few own cars, (many motorbikes though) Houses and apartments are small and don't have the modern convenience that we are used to. Many don't have tvs, they may watch tv at a local bar or resturant. In fact, some rural areas don't even have electricity. You can live cheaply there , if you have a nest egg you could retire there.

  2. Hi!, me again,

    The actual rate is for 1us$ = 33.50 pesos

    So all depending how much money you have and what is your lifestyle....

    Happy Feet

  3. No so rich... cause The cost of living is about the same

    1 gallon of milk cost 5  in US

    1liter of milk cost 40.00 pesos (1 galon equal to 3.62 litros) so about same

    1 gallon of Milk  would  cost 170.250 dominican republic peso

  4. well 100.00 USD = 3,380.35 DOP  or

    1.00 USD = 33.8035 DOP

    but you have to find out what things cost to really determine how rich you would be.

  5. depends  on  how  much  you  let  them  take and   wheather  or  not  your  dates  are  gold diggers.   but  as  a rule,  figure  on  getting  about  75 % more  for  your  dollar.  for  about  a  thousand  bens  a  month  , i  live  like  trumps  butler.

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