
So if man come from apes which is nonsense where did pigs an birds an other animals come from ?

by Guest32597  |  earlier

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where does there evolution start ?




  1. Primordial ooze.  We don't know for sure how all this got started, but all life on Earth eventually goes back to molecules that figured out how to self-replicate.  I say "figured out", but they had no volition or plan.  They could've got their start in the nasty goop that hung out in tide pools waaaaayyyyyy back in the day, or they could've come from asteroids crashing into our planet.  Who knows?  So those pigs and birds are our cousins.  Some are just a little farther from our particular branch than others.

    So pigs and birds came from earlier species that gradually evolved into them, and those earlier species came from earlier ones, and on back to the slime, same as for us.  Pigs were domesticated from wild boars.  There's some evolution in action for you- domestication and animal breeding.  Birds can trace their ancestry back to the dinosaurs.  Did you hear about the velociraptor forearm with the feather quill k***s?  Nifty.

    Before you start claiming that a scientific theory that has mountains of evidence in its favor and is probably one of the most solid theories we've got is nonsense, you should probably read up on it first.  We know less about gravity than we do evolution, and it is the height of arrogance to think that you know more about this than 150 years worth of incredibly smart, well-educated people, particularly when you say things like "men came from apes".  Honey, we _are_ apes.

  2. evolution starts with single celled organisms and then branches outward with the individual branches becoming more and more differentiated from each other till they are separate and individual species. We did not "come" from apes by the way we evolved along side modern apes from a distant common ancestor.

  3. Evolution started Billions of years ago, you, me- your dog, your cat; we all descend from one thing: Amino Acid chains that somehow started replicating themselves.  

    If you choose to believe in God; then there is where (s)he did it.  Personally; since I know the evolution is driven by mistakes in copying the DNA code, I therefore derive that a perfect entity,like a God could NOT have created an imperfect creature/system.  But then again, I am imperfect by design, as are you.

  4. I can't give you a specific name, but pigs and birds do have ancient ancestors like we do. There is a precursor to all living things.

  5. Using the same logic as that used in your question:

    All animals and pretty much all machines evolved from the same apes humans did.

    It happened 442 years ago in the Southern Baptist Institute for NOT_SO_Advanced Studies.

    This is secret information and should not be divulged to the general public.

    Good luck with your graduate work!

  6. Think about it. If humans came from apes, where did apes come from? And then where did that species come from? If you go back far enough, you'll see that it all started from one very tiny organism that first lived in ancient oceans. Eventually fish started to evolve, eventually leading to land animals, which branched off, and so on. It all didn't happen in an instant, it took billions and billions of years.

    If you look at all creatures on Earth, we all have very similar features, we just use them in different ways.

  7. These evolutions started in a primodial soup billions of years ago. The first single celled organism diverged into the millions of species that we see today over those billions of years. Pigs came from early mamalian animals while birds evolved from dinosaurs.

  8. Here's a timeline...

    The earth and the solar system began 4.55 Billion years ago.

    The first class of life on earth emerged 2.5 Billion, and was vegetable in nature. It was probably the slime surrounding the super-heated, geothermal vents at the bottom of the oceans.

    This vegetation then mutated appx. 2 Billion years ago, from a carbon dioxide breathing/oxygen exhaling creature, into one that was Half-vegetable/Half-animal.

    1.5 Billion years ago, another successful mutation created an underwater creature which inhaled oxygen through the water, and exhaled carbon dioxide. It was no longer vegetable.

    Finally, 1 Billion years ago, the common Sea Sponge emerged as the root & base of the Tree of all animal/fish life that we know of today...

    Then the Tree began to grow. The rest, is history...

  9. To Random6x...'s excellent answer, I just wanted to add a web site, in case you have any inclination to actually understand anything about evolution (which, apparently you don't):

    Come on, I dare you to check it out.

  10. It is proven beyond ANY reasonable doubt that we physically evolved from other animals.  It started well before bacteria which probably took million or tens of millions of years to evolve from less complex forms.

  11. a funny question:))) they all have ancient ancestors:)) it is called evolution:)) however I still believe in God:)

  12. Birds evolved from d'nosars as recent DNA tests show the chicken & T-Rex share a common ancestor.  The pig evolved from a small mammal that appeared about 70 million yrs ago. Evolution starts with the 1st living micro organism.

    The "I" on my keyboard suddenly stopped working.  Can fnsh when I get 't fixed.

    OK, replaced the batteries in the keyboard... random has it right.  I will simply add that hominids were bipedal apes & the Chimp has evolved further from our common ancestor than Homo Sapien has.  99.99% of all life that ever existed on Earth is now extinct & eventually Homo sapien will encounter conditions that result in their extinction.

  13. Man did not come from apes. He came from older APE LIKE human ancestors. No chimp or gorilla is going to become a human. They have evolved from other ancestors to be what they are. Pigs and birds and other animals came from ancient animals that were pretty different from the modern ones.

    It is even possible that all living things came from similar but different original life forms way back in the day before the day. What caused one one-celled thing to become a human and another to become a gob of moss, God only knows and He hasn't told us yet.

    Are we a result of "intelligent design"? I don't know. Look at the way we turned out. Look at what "God's crowning bit of Creation" is doing to that creation and to himself and the word "intelligent" becomes very suspect.

  14. The fossil record doesn't lie. 98.5% of a chimps DNA matchs a human. 100% in ur case

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