
So if man really did evolve?

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Wouldn't there be a superior race. I believe all men were created equal, but if you believe evolution, wouldn't it make sense that not all races are equal?

Please, I'm not trying to call evolutionists racist, I'm just curious.




  1. There is a superior race. Don't you see it? I don't agree with it, but that's how things are.

    But that's not the point. There is SCIENTIFIC PROOF that we evolved. Show me PROOF "god" created man.

  2. not all this i true. some species only take a few years to evolve

  3. How do you define superior? If it is IQ based, then the Asians win. If athletic, black Africans (except swimming). If 12 items were put in front of people, and they were asked to recall them all, I would back the aboriginal Australians. What parameters do you propose to use?

  4. Why would there be a superior race? It's not like there is a superior breed of dog, or a superior ape race. Why would people end up like that?

  5. if man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?!?

  6. Evolution does not mean creating 'superior' beings. It just means adapting to the environment.

    At this stage human have the brains and capacity to change the natural course (regression) of evolution, see what it did to you!

  7. You need to rent the Discovery Channel program "The Real Eve."  Once you watch this, you'll understand why your question is actually funny.

  8. There is not enough difference in races where any group is superior in any given characteristic.  A million years ago there were several kinds of hominids.  A small group of them apparently left Africa only 50,000 years ago and likely killed off all the rest.  That is why there is not much diversity.  We came from a small population that killed off all the close relatives.

  9. Natural Section has 'selected' a superior race, one human species which is better adapted to the environment than all the others.  It's us.  The last of the other human species, commonly identified as Neanderthals, died out about 25,000 years ago.

    Over the last six million years, there have been many different species in our family.  But we're the only one that has survived, which I suppose makes us 'superior' in some sense.

    However, you really shouldn't think of evolution in those terms.  There isn't anything inherently progressive about evolution.  A more accurate model is to think of us better adapted to our environment.  A chimp is just as evolved as a human, just as perfectly adapted to his environment as we are.  

    Just consider, how long would you survive, naked and in the middle of a jungle?

  10. We evolve following our surrounding, so we are all fit to our current environment, and you can only become superior if you move to another place where your adaptation level is superior to the one in the native people, but then you may never use this evolution advantage over them, as they may not need such adaptation...

    So everything is relative to where you evolved and where you lived...

    Giving an exemple, a caucasian man living in Maine would move to the Sahara desert for a month of two. Once he arrived he needs to drink about 9liters of water to compensate for its vapor lost, but those nomads living there for centuries will only need about 1l in their day, as their body is adapted to such vapor loss and has increase its water absorbtion efficiency... Of course, if you spend months or more over there, you may gain this ability, but don't dream too much...

  11. Your logic is ... "peccable." Right now there is only one human race. The other evolutionary branches died out.

  12. all races started in a central we moved out..lets say there was a place that had small caves so only the shorter people could get food in the the taller died and the shorter reproduced passing on the trait for we just adapted to the surroundings and because the world isn't that different we didn't have to be that different...and because evolution takes thousands of years we wouldn't see the appearance of a superior race yet.

  13. I think humans (all races) are the superior humans... and with all the medical advances and attempts at equal opertunity and rights we've sort of got to the peak and averaged out...

    now that doesn't mean that some people's genetics are marginally superior to others, it also doesn't mean that we won't evolve into some better version of humans but it does mean it'll take longer than the usual thousands of years (or millions it's variable) to get there... hopefully they won't wipe us out like we did the the rest of the homo genis but hey if they're superior we're screwed ^_^ j/k

    (oh and the monkeys man evolved from are infact gone... the monkeys we have are other branches of the same tree... so chimps went there way pretty early but later than capucin[sp?] monkeys... the homo genis is on a fairly different track to other monkeys... leaving room for those monkeys... but us humans decided the other bipedal apes pissed us off, and so we're the only ones left... >_> dumbass us ay?)

  14. Total planet of the apes. We "the Human race" are so smart we are slowing destroying our planet along with its inhabitants.

    I do believe we did indeed evolve or maybe alien races came to our planet and we are the descendants of the aliens. So maybe, we are the illegal aliens. ALL OF US. EVERYWHERE.

    One thing is for sure. As far as "intelligent lifeforms"  are concerned, OUR race is not getting any smarter

    Good question though.

  15. Demon_kn is right.  There is not enough genetic differences between what we call races to say that there are biologically different races.  Race is a social construct.

    Besides, the point of evolution is not to create a superior species. No species is any better than another except for in the sense that is can survive.  Evolution is to adapt to new and changing environments.  Saying I believe in evolution doesn't mean I think I am a superior species. It means I believe life started as one life form and changed, mutated, adapted into all the living things that exist.  We are sucessful as a species, not superior, if we survive as a whole.

  16. Evolution does not cause racism, evolution is not racist. Some people are racist in addition to believing evolution, but a lot of people have blue eyes and are nearsighted. They seem like they might be related but they aren't.

    It doesn't make sense that there's a superior race. That was put forth in the past but has since been debunked.

    That arises from the wrong way of thinking. Science has shown that humans are actually incredibly homogenous, so it in fact debunks racism by saying we're the same. More info can be found at my source.

  17. There are no biological races because human variation changes continuously over space, not by geographical region.  Traits vary independently, so one cannot classify race by traits.  In addition, some traits occur as spontaneous mutations (such as achondroplasia) and cannot occur more or less in any given population.

    In order for there to be biological races, the differences between groups would need to be greater than the differences within groups, but the opposite is true.  There is FAR more variation within a group than between any given group.  Evolution has given us varying skin colours, eye colours, hair colours, etc, but these traits are superficial, vary independently, and vary gradually from South to North.  There has been no evolution of any group away from other groups, partly because traits vary continuously over space and because humans interbreed (no population has become so isolated that it can become a subspecies or a race).

    Race is a social construct, not a biological construct.  The only evolution to which race is subject is the evolution of cultural ideas pertaining to race over time.

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