
So if someone experiences any paranormal are they lying or being deceitful?

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Gwad Erie, ENOUGH!!! Its getting old.

This type of behavior is WHY people get blocked.




  1. Most likely,

    either to themselves, or to you (or both!).

  2. No.  Not usually.  But those who don't are being blind.

    Edit:  Thanks for straightening me out on that, Chief.  Naturally, I bow to your overwhelming knowledge on the subject.

  3. It could be that. Or it could be that the seemingly paranormal event they experienced wasn't that at all but a natural event misinterpreted through pre-existing belief or fear. Perhaps they didn't use good systematic reasoning to investigate the event and so they came to the wrong conclusion. Perhaps their senses were deceiving them (vision problems, hearing problems, etc.) Perhaps they simply experienced something they could not explain and felt more comfortable attributing it to supernatural causes than natural causes. It could be many things.

  4. Been there, done that. I have experienced paranormal activities and I am NOT crazy, nor, am I a liar. It does happen. I know there are skeptics that will beat down every thing you tell them about your experience, but, the paranormal is real.

  5. I'll be honest, I think it is either they are lying or they are hallucinating or imagining it, or lack sufficient knowledge to form a valid explanation, and thus exaggerate the facts when telling their experience.  Maybe they really do believe it, but I think that in less than 3% of the documented cases, the claim has any valid substance.  I have lived in a lot of places and known a lot of people, and I have never seen anything even close to unexplainable, and I have never known anyone who ever claimed to have either, except for 1 or 2 people who were very unstable mentally.  So this is my cause for skepticism.  If there are UFOs and ghosts and "orbs" and all this other stuff everywhere, why haven't I ever seen them or even met a sane person who has?

  6. I used to have a T.C. badge. in the Mental Health Section. I gave it up to come over here...because I saw that a lot of people who were REALLY having paranormal experiences were being accused of being mentally ill.  (Not all of them were having paranormal experiences..but some of them. And even ONE counts.)  I came over here..not only to get explanations about what happened to me...but to try to understand what was happening to them. Now I'm able to identify some of the things that were happening to me...and also things that were /are happening to some of them. No..I don't go over and advise people there not to get mental help.But, once in awhile I go back..and if I see someone who seems like they're having a paranormal experience instead of mental illness..I try to tell them that paranormal is a possibility. They know I'm not a dr...I just try to tell them what happened to me and it might be what's happening to them. Sometimes people "go crazy" because people TELL them they are "crazy".

  7. Ive come across some people that are just thrill seekers, and not in it for serious research..they are the ones that sometimes lie, cause nothing happens for them... Then there are the serious researchers..that are in it, to purely understand it, and try and capture evidence.. they are the ones that dont lie, nor lie to themselves....

    As we have gone over this, paranormal phenonemen, can not be grasped into our hands, there is no switch we can turn on, to make it when a person (skeptic closed minded) says show me..make it happen...we cannt..but that doesnt say it doesnt exist, nor are we lying....

    eri..just because you have not experienced it.. that shouldnt mean, it doesnt exist, nor a people lying about their claims... yes some things can be explained..but many cannt...and not every body on this planet will experience paranormal....

    and we cannt keep on telling people they are delusional, because they are experiencing something....its all you got..lies and delusional...i think someone is being delusional..and its not us...

    Buttons...i think you read the question wrong...some one keeps telling us here, that all claims are lies and people are all the answers...

    eri.. there is a science button... then alternative....then you come out of your way into here...also just because you have a TC badge here...doesnt make you an expert at all....quite frankly i think you know nothing of this field what so know what they say, experience is the best way ...and you dont seem to have any....not here anyway......

  8. Well, from your question it is obvious that they experienced it.  There could be all kinds of reasons that they COULD be mistaken, all of them cited time after time on this forum, but that doesn't mean they did not TRULY experience something paranormal.  So, that does not mean they are lying or being deceitful as your question asks.

    It is difficult to prove to someone who knows you are lying that you are not.  How can you do that without some incontrovertable "proof"?  One cannot.

    And for the one who thinks you are lying, why is it so important to throw in someone else's face that you do not believe them?  What if you just got in line twice when the denial was passed out?  How do you know what they experienced?  You weren't there so you don't.

    In the words of the world famous philosopher, Rodney King,  "Can't we all just get along?"

  9. This question is such a joke!!  You call yourself Ghost seeker and you need to ask this?? Not everyone who says they have seen a ghost or anything else and do it to be funny and have no belief in the Paranormal at all.

        I do believe and I have many causes and reasons to do so.  I don't believe in you for being one of those people who you asked about in your question and lie and cheat and laugh at us as soon as you read an honest answer answer.

  10. >thats really insiteful there Jack. They are being neither. They have experienced something that for them is unexplained at that moment. not everyone is lucky enough to experience paranormal activity. when they do there is usually a good explanation for 905 of the happenings, its the other 10% we look for. and yes there are people that lie about having a paranormal experience, happens everyday!

    Edit: ok, so can I take my compliment back then?

    edit: buttons are we reading the same question here?

  11. No, they may be delusional as well.

    Or maybe they're just too quick to jump to an unlikely explanation for something they haven't encountered before.  Just because you've never heard of sleep paralysis doesn't mean it doesn't effect a lot of people, or couldn't affect you.  Just because you don't know what that bright light in the sky is doesn't mean it's not Venus or a satellite catching the Sun for a few seconds (such as a iridium flash).

    EDIT:  Frankly, I think you're the one who's being close-minded.  And I know that quite a few people on here don't want me posting here - they'd rather not here the scientific explanation.  And that's fine.  Get this subject moved out of the science section, and you'll never see me again.  But there's a reason I'm a top contributor in the sciences and education.  Because I often know what I'm talking about, and I have quite a bit of experience - even with these kinds of claims.  But I might as well stop now, since you've given me so many thumbs down no one will ever see a rational response.

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