
So if suicide hurts the people you leave behind, y do they wait until after u r gone 2 show how much they care

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So if suicide hurts the people you leave behind, y do they wait until after u r gone 2 show how much they care




  1. It's because they don't realize that what their doing is wrong until after its too late. Besides, it only hurts them because they feel guilty and they know its their fault. Then they try to take all the guilt off by acting like they care about the dead person (after he/she commits suicide). I've seen it happen.

    **Two months later they wish the person could come back so they can punish him/her for committing suicide (and treating them even worse than before)!!**

  2. point taken

    people always say that they would have done this and that for a person if they had only known they would kill themselves but no one does c**p before the fact

  3. Most people don't realize things until it is taken away from them. Example: you don't realize how much a person means to you until you lose them, be it death or break up or moving. People tend to keep emotions, feelings, the whole deal to themselves for many different reasons. If you would like to know how someone feels, try asking them directly. Some people tend to take everyone else for granted and figure that they will always be there whenever they are needed. Once that figure is not available, the person realizes how much they cared about them and true feelings surface..

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