
So if the Earth has not got warmer in the last 10 years, why are we still being told lies about global warming

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So if the Earth has not got warmer in the last 10 years, why are we still being told lies about global warming




  1. can't you feel that it's been warmer...??

    maybe not in your area...but here in parts of's been totaly freakin hot..!!

    i think that if the world got so hot..

    the antartic area of ice and other parts of the globe is gonna melt and the whole world is gonna be covered w/ water....we'll die.=D

    hey, it's only a theory dude...

  2. I think it is a controversial question on the truth of global warning. Many answerer are probably acted as smart lawyers to get any evidence to disapprove what the scientist and environmentalist say are not exactly accurate but true. Hong Kong is one of the most polluted city in this world. It is proven what Tim Flannary (a global weather scientist and professor in Australia) article is correct to pinpoint health problems of Hong Kong with 1.5 million citizens are currently contracted with air pollution caused diseases of asthma, heart and lung. More than one million Hong Kong outpatients need to visit the Hong Kong clinics (public or private) periodically and more than half a million is hospitalized awaiting to wrap up their lives in Hong kong.

    The following websites show articles related to glob warnibg issues.


  3. I have no freakin idea. : ) Hope this helps!

  4. It's for a number of reasons really.

    There is big money to be made from gullibility, ignorance, and stupidity!

    Greedy people and con artists, have always taken advantage of the ignorant, and stupid people in every society that I know of!

    When you can couple that type of exploitation with arrogance and peoples love for fear and a sense of 'Doom and Gloom' and also convince people that they are in someway responsible for an event of  some type, then you have been completely successful in creating a following of people that you have 'brainwashed'!

    They will not need science because their 'leader has spoken' and that is all that is needed!

    It doesn't help that in today's society  the media only portrays the lunatic fringe beliefs because their claims are so spectacular that it is good for ratings.

    Also with the rapid development in recent years of the internet, where anyone can say whatever they believe, or would like you to believe, has contributed significantly to the current hysteria!

    If the proper scientists all got together and formed a lobby  group, they would over power and overwhelm the lunatics!

    The fact is that while mosts scientists disagree that the cause of global increases in temperature are caused by mankind, they are actually too busy doing useful science which will help mankind's future!(Finding cures for cancers, improving solar technologies, increasing food crop yields, etc...)

    I also believe that  true scientists generally do not like to waste anything, including their valuable time.

    They also generally are neither arrogant, nor find it easy to explain science basics in a non-technical way that most people could understand or appreciate!

    Another crucial point is that people do not seem to be able to differentiate between the terms 'Climate', and 'Weather'.

    Climate is what happens over an extended period of time.

    Weather is what you are currently experiencing.

    People also relate to events as they see them in their lifetime and not in nature's time frame.

    They will also consider that experiencing a few years of mild weather in winter,or a few days of hotter than normal temperatures in summer as definite proof that 'Global Warming' is here!

    If they were to experience a blizzard with 6 foot drifts in May(As my parents did in the 1940's), that also would have to be because of 'Global Warming'!

    The fact that there is no such thing as a 'Greenhouse Gas' makes no difference to this type of mentality.

    A few years ago, the big concern was the 'Holes' in the ozone over the poles and that CFC's had to be responsible for this disaster and that we were all going to die from everything like skin cancer, to the rapid melting of the icecaps leading to  20 foot increases in sea levels.

    The facts:

    1)There never was, nor has been, a hole in the ozone.(only yearly cyclical,'lower than normal levels of ozone') This is because ozone is produced by the sun, and it is the lack of solar activity in the winter months. Certain meteorological conditions such as 'Mother of Pearl' clouds can reduce the production even further at times.

    The fact that there was no scientific evidence that CFC's or anything other than natural events were causing this to occur did not stop the ban on the production and use of CFC's!

    All this managed to do was to destroy many companies.

    I happened to be one of the victims of this when I lost a very good job as a 'Test Engineer' for a small company which produced ultrasonic cleaning equipment for industrial use.

    (much of which used several different CFC solvents).

    Although I am not generally one who buys into 'Conspiracy Theories', it does seem more than a coincidence that this period coincided with Dupont's patent expiring!

    Also the fact that if you were a company which used more than (something like2 tons a year or more from what I recall, then you were exempt from the use of 'Banned CFC usage')!

    Since the average household refrigerator only  contains a few ounces of CFC's which is in a completely closed environment where no escape occurs normally, this was enough to convince many people to repace their fridges and freezers because they thought that they were going to help the environment! Now we have mountains of old fridges and freezers waiting for companies which have to be properly licensed, to extract the inert gas and certify it's safety for further disposal or recycling! (Am I the only one who finds this insane?)

    I could actually write a book on this first act of lunacy alone, but I just want people to ask themselves who they think the winners and losers really were!

    2)I have to ask where the science is that could lead us to believe that a lack of ozone concentrations during a month out of each year could lead to any increased exposure to UV radiation, leading to increased susceptibility to skin cancer since the  so-called holes are over the polar caps and that during those periods of time, the sun's angle to the earth is never even close to being over either of our poles, and that the period of of low concentration levels are when the sun's angle is actually in the opposite hemisphere at that time, the angle of any UV radiation would completely miss the earth in the first place!

    3)Where is the science, about 'Sea level rise' especially completely 'Off the wall' comments like 20 foot sea level increases!???

    There is neither any proof nor justification for this type of lunatic statement!

    You will find many people who will be able to show you their proof in parts of the world because they are currently being affected by  higher water levels.

    If this were occurring on a global scale then all land masses would be affected at the same time.

    This is not the case however.

    There is no way to point to increases in sea levels unless you had a 'FIXED' reference point!

    This is totally impossible because the earth is constantly changing and if you looked at the continents and other land masses on a 'time lapse' film over millions of years you would see what would resemble 'bobbing corks' on a pond or a lake!

    They rise at times and fall at times!

    I live 1,000 feet above sea level and the shale on my property is rich in sea fossils.

    This in no way means that the sea level was over 1,000 feet higher than it is today, but that tectonic events have lifted this part of my world from the sea bed to it's current altitude.

    In Great Britain it currently looks like our landmass is dipping to the south. Parts of Scotland in the north have seen what appears as a recession of the sea, while in the south their seems to be an encroaching of the sea.

    This tells me that this landmass  is simply dipping to the south at this time.

    What  concerns me even more is that we now have the 'Channel Tunnel', which connects us to France.

    While this is currently an easy way to get to Europe, this 'umbilical cord, is not going to last.

    Even though it should be considered a major technological achievement by anyone's standards, It will fail during the next major seismic movement in the area.

    This could happen tomorrow, or 1,000 years or more from now. No matter when it happens, I just hope that it is not in use at the time.(It would really spoil your holiday to say the least)

    4)I have to ask how this sudden and catastrophic increase in sea levels is supposed to occur?

    When you look at the science, it is completely impossible!

    Although I have no proof of my suspicion I do suspect very strongly that this came out of some proper scientific study dealing with the 'worst case scenarios' which could be expected should both polar ice caps melt completely.

    The answer was probably given as an increase of 6 millimeter rise in sea levels.(roughly 1/4 inch). This actually makes some sense.

    Someone had picked up on this, and either passed it on in a report which translated it to 6 meters, or had no idea that millimeters were 1,000 times less than a meter and believed them to be the same.(either way, it is scary to me to see how simple facts can be abused and then get published as fact)!

    I am neither arrogant enough to claim that I know all of the answers to solve man's problems.(most of which are self inflicted in my opinion)

    Nor am I either in a financial or health position to be able to attack the fools and con men!

    I can only hope that some people will actually get interested enough in science and stop accepting what they see on TV or read on the internet as being 'The Truth'!

    h**l, there is still a 'Flat Earth Society'!

    I still have not decided whether this guy is serious, or just having a laugh, either way he is bound to get gullible and stupid people to believe!

    If this makes no sense to the viewer then they might as well go back to what they consider really important like watching the next episode of 'Big Brother'. after all that is far more important!  

    Sorry for the long article, but I thought it needed to be said

  5. Stupid scientist believe is like and "Ice age" but in this case that is a "Warm age".

  6. Because Hippies are retarded and want all of us to live the shiteeee life they do. Hybrids and no washing machines not to mention no air con arrrrrr!!!! They're sad sad people who have to tell everybody lies so they can for once be normal. But we'll show them. Burn down the forests....Do it..

  7. because politicians need to scare the public and they say that they have the answer to fix the problem.. please vote for me and I will save you..

    but with that it opens the door for them to vote in legislation that allows for more control of your daily existance.

    most of the public falls for there lies

  8. The data for the last decade of cooling weather comes from

    The graph in this article clearly shows that 1999 and 2000 were cooling years, 2001 to 2006 were stable, and 2007 was another cooling year. This is despite the continuing rise in CO2 levels, and indicates that the role of CO2 in our climate has been considerably exaggerated. It is a factor, but only one in many.

    These figures are from the official organisations that monitor global temperature, not GW sceptics or oil industry people, so they cannot just be dismissed.

    So many political and media people have so much of their political capital tied up in man made global warming that they are liable to remain in denial for some time to come.

    There are also a number of scientists who have jumped on the bandwagon, and their power to attract research grants and media attention is dependant on the continuation on GW.

    This decade of cooling is bad news for them, but good for the rest of us.

  9. Temperatures have risen since 1998, on an average basis.  1998 was just one unusually warm year.  Real data here:

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    Do you think you know more about this than the National Academy of Sciences?

    The lie about global warming is that it is not real, or that it is not mostly caused by us.

  10. Because you have enough people in the world who are most content with "catastrophe" and "imminent disaster" but are not concerned about looking into scientific data and realising that natural climate variations on this scale have been occuring for millions of years. Unfortunately the word is so wide spread, and the religion so prominent in culture that it's considered immoral to argue against it. Even though there is little proof of anthropogenic climate change, most people won't listen to arguments that differ from what they're being told.

  11. It has not warmed relative to the last 10 years.  It has warmed relative to the last 100 years.  Both of those can be true!  Just watch out for people who allow only one or the other in a discussion.

  12. Yes it has.  1998 was the hottest year on record because of an abnormally strong El Nino cycle.  However, the *average* global temperature has continued to increase, as you can see in these graphs of the global temperature data:

    In understanding global warming, it's important to differentiate between weather effects like the El Nino Southern Oscillation which can change global temperatures in the short-term from year to year, but not in the long-term, and long-term climate effects like human greenhouse gas emissions.

  13. WTF are you talking about??  What lies?  Why lie in the first place?  The govenment MAKES MONEY off of oil!  Why pass laws to restict its use?  The earth is getting warmer.  That isn't "government propoghanda", it's a FACT.  Look at the ice caps, severe HEAT related natural disasters,  glaciers melting,  drought... h**l the TEMPERATURE.  The problem with your question is the fact that you base it off parinoid dilusions.  The government sucks. I agree.  They aren't doing enough about global warming.  However I do appreciate the above comment about the "stupid scientists".  You people may be the cause of the decline of western civilization,  but boy do you make me laugh!

  14. ok i dont think i agree with most of you but some have interesting points, they may have many reasons to not tell us that global warming is real or is fake becouse mabye they dont want a planet wide panic. if that happens, the goverment will lose conetrol of the country and we will just make things worse. after studying what the goverments intenstions are, while looking into the global warming, i came up with this. now for all you people who disagree with me saying that the gov is just trying to shut everyone up, "to each his own" remember that and dont dis me.

  15. Who said the earth is not getting warmer? You are misguided.

  16. Al Gore set up an investment corporation to collect 'carbon offset' payments to make himself and his investment buddies stinking rich.  A lot of people are getting rich on the new forced changes on our society.

    Scientists who 'study' the problem and come up with scary scenarios get more grant money.  Scientists who challenge the scare tactics lose their jobs.

    The real goal of Socialism is to eliminate the middle class.  That is being done by sucking the money out of them through one tax after another, with these carbon taxes being just another nail in the coffin.  As Bill Clinton said on January 30, we must 'slow the US economy' to fight global warming - and to move production to China, eliminating US jobs.

    It's all about the money.

  17. I am not sure from where did you get this data that world temperatures are not increasing since last 10 years.  Anyways considering world temperatures are on rise since last so many years and green house increasing since last so many years, I think that we are heading for definite disaster.

  18. here is the truth the real truth  told by d.


  19. it is wrong to say that our earth is not warming for the last 10 years. change in the atmosphere [ increase temp. in hot weather] uncertainty of rain is a clear indication of earth warming.

  20. Because there is evidence of it and it will affect us in the future.

    The green house gasses are adding to the atmosphere and are preventing heat from escaping as well.


    Also, disasters before were caused by natural events so were healed naturally. This time it is caused by our pollution and we are the only ones who can do something about it.

    When global warming happens, it will recover, but only if we either stop polluting, or if the human race becomes extinct because of it.

  21. Because "they"(gore) haven't sealed the deal yet on a new tax to pad there slush funds...I mean...'save the world'.

    Tyson,.....The original founder of 'The Weather Channel' completely debunks Global Warming and is seriously disappointed with the direction the channel has taken.

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