
So! if the the apple is not the forbidden fuit that adam an eve ate, does that make everyone a false teacher?

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for everyone that teaches adam and eve ate an "apple" and says that "it" was the forbidden fruit, does not that mean they "believe a lie"?




  1. Old and New Testaments stories were composed for the primitive people to understand what God says. So, old Prophets used such allegorical terms as apple to indicate that happiness of man is based on following God's exhortations.

  2. ll Thessalonians 2:11

    You left off the ending "That they should all be damned."

    This passage is especially notable in that God finally admits his true vocation.

  3. Here's what I saw on a show about it on the History Channel.

    The idea that the forbidden fruit was an apple came from the fact that the Greek words for apple and evil were the same word.

    However, now, most scholars think it was more likely to have been a fig.  

  4. Essentially, yes that's about sums it up.

  5. Who exactly teaches it was an apple? No Christian ever taught me it was an apple. Only the view of the world that is not in His word that I know of.

  6. There are two trees in the garden. These two trees have more than a literal meaning. We are told that The tree of knowledge of good and evil is forbidden.

    The day Adam eats of it he will surely die.

    The tree of life is also in the midst of the garden if they eat of it they will live forever.

    These two trees are obviously more than trees.

    What is the knowledge of good and evil?

    Where could a man gain knowledge of good and evil?

    We get our knowledge of good and evil from God.

    The law that God sent down to Moses is the knowledge of good and evil.

    Why would God's righteous law kill man?

    Because man could not live up to God's righteousness.

    It is also the reason there was a tree in the midst of the garden called the tree of life.

    This is God's mercy. Salvation through Jesus Christ.

    This story Moses tells is of the two natures of God his righteousness and his mercy.

    It is the story of man and his fall from God's glory and God's plan of salvation.

    If your talking a literal tree then the fruit could be anything with a more likely possibility that it was a fig.

  7. The Bible doesn't state what kind of fruit it was.  

  8. Who the h**l cares?

    It doesn't say its an apple it says its a "fruit" who knows if they actually did eat it? nobody was alive then to tell the story.

  9. GOD is not the author of confusion. Man is and his interpatations of things known and unknown!

  10. Although actual "fruit" was involved, the importance stems from what those trees stood for.

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil stood for Jehovah God's right to set the standards by which mankind would live. It represented his sovereignty or his right to rule. To eat the fruit was to disregard God's right. It was taking something that did not belong to them.

    The tree of life represented God's right to determine if and when a person had the right to everlasting life. He would decide when they had access. That is the reason that the Genesis account records that 2 angels were sent to restrict the way back to the tree of life.

    Apple is a common fruit. Actually I just read a couple weeks ago that there are 7500 different kinds of apples. But the Bible clearly calls it "fruit". If no intention was made to mislead, but perhaps to make the account easier to understand (perhaps for a Sunday School setting, etc.) I don't think that constitutes "lying".  The Bible categorizes lying as malicious untruth with intent to mislead those who have the right to the truth. This isn't quite in the same category.

  11. Anyone who takes the Garden of Eden story as a literal historical account is believing a lie. It's an allegory full of rich philosphical ideas on so many levels. Getting worked up over what kind of fruit it was is totally missing the point of the story altogether. It could be a pb & j sandwhich for all anyone should care. It doesn't matter. The tree itself is a physical tree. The furit just represent mankind seizing control over their own destinies thus becoming "like God." This was forbidden and if Mankind were to become immortal to, then we'd truly become gods. We're actually getting close to that with science's advancements towards AI and genetic engineering. Still immortality is stuff of scifi for now.

  12. No one knows what the fruit was adam and eve ate. So you really can't  call them false teachers. because you can't prove they are lying

  13. Nobody that has read Genesis thinks it was an apple. And it is a metaphor about doubt and ingratitude not about eating fruit.

  14. no no no not really they are just misguided and have the misconception that it was an apple because actual false preachers say apple and i learned it was an apple until i read fruit so i mean they're just wrong not false teachers..they need to be corrected

  15. If you could quote a scripture that said anyone calling the fruit an apple would be a false teacher, then the answer to your question would be 'Yes'.

    Of course, there is no such scripture. The fruit is never identified because that is not important. The Latin word for apple is almost identical to the Latin word for evil. That is how the idea of an apple developed - after the Hebrew scriptures had been translated into Latin, that is, not before! I've also wondered if that is why folk-lore speaks of the 'Adam's apple' in a man's throat - referring to the fruit sticking in his gullet! As long as people get the point that eating the forbidden fruit was the downfall of mankind, then we can rejoice that this account (over 6,000 years old) has come down through the centuries to us.

    The lie that many believe today is that the Serpent was good and God was evil, or that Eve did us a favor by making Adam disobey (as the Mormons teach). The strong delusion of 2 Thes. 2:11 has to do with miracles, signs and wonders. God allows people to believe these miracles are from him even though their practitioners do ungodly things in their lives. Have a look at the signs and wonders movement today - see what's happening in Florida and the Todd Bentley 'miracles', for example. Now that's what we should be concerned about.

  16. As you've stated, the Bible is not specific about what type of fruit it was. The unnamed "Forbidden fruit" is known in Latin as "malum." Malum as an adjective means evil, but as a noun means apple. So there is a correlation (or relationship). It was a fruit. But more likely a fig.

    Also, a false teacher would knowingly teach a lie,  with malice; as to make a lie the Truth. Others are just teaching based on this correlation in the Latin; whether they know it or not. It is not a lie. The principal is the same.

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