
So if you want us to use e85 cars only and those like hybridsand other alt. forms of fuel cars?

by  |  earlier

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are you going to buy the cars for the ppl that cant really afford the food on their plate and morgage on their house but yet you want them to buy a new car?

isnt that asking much of ppl that work hard to feed their family and drive the car they can afford




  1. I just purchased a Aerostar minivan that was previously owned by the United States Navy. (It is a 1994, but hey with only 40,000 miles on it, it is like brand new, I can afford it so I am satisfied) It was set up to be dual fuel. Either gasoline or natural gas. Since the closest natural gas filling station is 40 miles away it just wasn't practical to use CNG (compressed natural gas). Not to mention the fact that the waiting list to be able to get fuel there is several years long. We took out the CNG tanks in the back and made it single fuel again.

    If we are expected to use alternate fuel vehicles, they sure had better come up with some better ideas than what is out there right now! Every time I see one I just want to run it off the road! LOL They are hideously ugly and ridiculously expensive.

    Maybe we need to think about domestic sources of oil...such as ANWR?

    There is a gas station not far from here that puts ethanol in their gas, and it makes vehicles run terrible! Sure they have the cheaper price but it isn't worth it in the long run. Not to mention that this ethanol craze is driving up the price of corn, making it more expensive to feed dairy cattle and driving dairy prices through the roof!

    Anyway, I for one am not going to buy an alternative fuel vehicle, not for myself or somebody else who can't afford it. The government needs to keep its nose out of the private citizens business. I get sick of somebody trying to tell me what I am and am not allowed to drive. If I want a gas guzzling SUV that gets 7 MPG and can afford it, so be it!

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