
So if your instincts tell you you've heard something and you know who said it, are you usually right?

by  |  earlier

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Like from a distance someone says something about you unitentionally letting you hear and your instincts know what they said ,but not 100% sure ,but still a possibility...are instincts usually right, I'm a good listener.




  1. Did that happen to you? You can ask them about it...It may not be what you think. In that situation, my instincts are typically right. In another, mine are very wrong. Like sometimes I am so sure someone said something when they claim they didn't and every other person I remember to be a witness claims the same thing (it isn't even something bad anyway). But, I would analyze what you heard, see if it makes sense, then go up to them and ask them about it.

    Hope I helped.

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