So I go to a really bad school.. I am bisexual and have known for years, but my school is completely against people like moi. And no this isn't a phase.. jeeze. anyway, i hate having to hide who I am.. i told a couple of my close friends.. they were okay with it. but honestly I only think my friend Shawn and Jasmine are completely cool with it.
so.. what do i do??keep hiding and lose myself? im just afraid i'll lose the people i love. i really like this super cute blonde girl.. who i am almstsure is bi or g*y =] so,a advice? there are only a few people at me schoollike me.. HELP!? i need to know if i let morepeople kno my secret and how can i get people to understand, i would much rather have a gf tha a bf.. guys are immature.. HELP! (sorry almost broken finger, so bad spelling/typos)