
So im having a sleepover I need tips on things to do?

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we are 14, and have my guest house to myself so what can we do that is fun?




  1. Videogames, For girls I guss gossip???? Movies, scavenger hunt. Prank calls, ummmm maybe oh yeah POPCORN AND MOVIES.

  2. there is so much mischief that you will get into so suggestions won't help much.Plan what your expectations are, what you think you would like to come of it.Movies, snacks, games, magazines (more adult than kid) music,phone,and ask your sleepover friend for suggestions, that is who you will share the evening.You will probably both be asleep before 10pm.

  3. A SCARY MOVIE -o-

  4. good music, good food, good sleeping placr, good movies

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