
So im having problemes with my cats they keep "pooping" right out side the litter box! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i tried putting news paper down but with in minutes Anoki tore it up and then Biddy peed all over the shreds, needless to say out of my three cats Danu has become my favorite for she is the only one who hasn't done anything! tips on making this stop? anyone?




  1. Try differnt cat sand.

    some cats don't like the texture of one or another type.

    Were they paper trained?

    then a carpet / rug might be a better bet.

    good luck

  2. hahah aww. you added things so much! haha

    im nto sure if yur going to check this again because its from 3 hours ago..

    but.. try scrubbing the area with vinegar.. i heard they dont like the smell and wont pee in it anymore.

    is your litter box big enough? does it have  a cover on it?

    cats like privacy.. make sure you change your litter once a day. especially because theres two or three cats? they like clean litter and will refuse to use it if it's dirty.

    watch them when there going to use it but dont let them no they are there and when you see it start pooping outside of the litter box say NO and push her/him inside of the litter box so it knows thats wear to go.

    good luck, it might take a week or so but im sure they'll get it! :]

  3. 1. You should have one cat box for each cat

    2. The cat box should be clean, picked daily, and filled with litter a little more than half way, mix with a box of baking soda, helps absorb the odor, you can get it at the dollar store for 55 cents

    3. The cat box should be in a quiet, out of the way area, where there is not alot of foot traffic or commotion

    4. The cat box should not be near their food/water

    5. If the box is hooded, take off the hood

    6. The cat boxes need to be big enough so they can move around and deep

    7. If your using a scented litter, try switching to a clay litter,  cats sense of smell is very strong, and sometimes the scent is too strong for them, and cats about sit right down on the litter when they pee, and it burns their little bee-hinds

    8. Its possible the cats have a medical issue, and they associate the cat box with the pain of peeing or pooping

    9. Its possible the cats are constipated, an x-ray would show this, or you can check the p**p your self, is it hard, like if you were constipated, do they strain went they p**p

    10. If you have a male cat, that is peeing outside the box, and the box is clean, and he just starting doing it, it is possible he has crystals and is blocked and unable to pee, they associate the cat box with the pain, watch when he pees, is he straining, is he sitting there too long, he should pee about the size of a quarter, a dime size, means trouble

    Hope this helps and best of luck. :-)    

    Edited to add, the male cat is prob blocked, and the 18 yr old cat, which is elderly for a cat, prob has medical issues. Please don't scold them, it is not their fault, they are telling you something is wrong. :-)


  4. Ah, litter box issues.

    First, rule out health problems.  Cats often start getting messy when they are trying to alert you to something wrong with their bodies.  Take stool samples from each cat and drop them at the vet for a worm test.  Also check for signs of straining or any yelping when your cats p**p or pee.

    If there is no health problem, did you switch brands of litter?  Some cats are picky.  Have you been diligent about scooping and keeping the box generally un-smelly?  Some cats are offended by untidy cat boxes.  Do you only have one litter box for three cats?  They may not like to share among so many.  Do you have a covered box?  If so, do any of the cats get ambushed while inside or when coming out?  They may be scared to use the box if that is the case.  Also, if the box is covered, they may not feel like they have enough room to do their business and prefer a more open space.  Have you cleaned the pooed-on area with an odor-neutralizing cleaner?  If not, then the smell may be bringing them back for more.

    I hope one of these is the answer for you.  It's never a fun thing to be cleaning poo off the floor.  Good luck!

  5. you should just put the litterbox

  6. you cats behavior is the cause for what you have said and i suggest training and bad behavior should be scolded at! it may not fall as easy as dog training because cats are stubborn but they eventually give up!

  7. If you have 3 cats you should have at least 3 boxes, preferably 4. Sounds like maybe the cats either don't like the kind of litter you are using or the box isn't clean enough for them. Get more boxes and try using Cat Attract litter you can buy it at Petsmart or Petco and some grocery stores even carry it.

  8. There is zero point in ANY scolding for this behaviour. They're not doing it to be bad. They're cats, you can't treat them like you would a child. The cat does not 'know better' - if he's decided to change his habits it's not his problem if it's not to your liking, get it? Scolding him will only p**s him off/scare him and therefore make him MORE likely to do it. The only thing you can do when a cat toilets in a way you consider inappropriate is to clean the area with biological washing powder (only way to remove all traces of the smell) and otherwise ignore it. I have a cat who does it myself, I just clear it up and don't say anything to her - there is NO POINT scolding - particularly AFTER they've done it, they don't even know what you're talking about!

    As for spanking a cat - I certainly hope you've never done that. You'd only be encouraging the behaviour by scaring them - if you do that they're most likely to end up toileting behind a sofa or somewhere you can't see them!

    Try to think like a cat not a human. Never chastise a cat, you're only making it worse for yourself. Just have the litter tray on newspaper or a less-easily shredded training pad and deal with it. At least they're going next to the tray and not wherever they feel like it in your house!


    EDIT: Brielle knows NOTHING about cats. Try the methods other people have described, by all means, but this doesn't sound like a stress thing, they'd be pooing/peeing randomly round the house.

  9. place a nonshredable and easily cleaned mat under litter box.

    one litter box per cat plus one extra per floor/level that the cats are given access to. clean litter boxes often because some cats refuse to use them after it has been used a few times.

  10. Most cat love to "pee" and "poo" on newspaper, it seems to feel right to them.

    You should also consider that both cats might have a medical problem that is making them reluctant to use the litter box.  It's always a good idea to have your vet check over a cat that is having problems like this.

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  11. Why are you using news paper and not litter?  They might not like the newspaper.  Is this something new, or have you always used newspaper?  If you've always used newspaper maybe try a different section.  They might not like the comics and prefer the sports section.

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