
So im pregnant by ex, how to tell parents?

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I'm not a child, I'm 27, but my parents didn't like my bf. They think we have been broken up for over a year and we never talk about him. What they don't know is that we have gotten back together a couple of times. The last time I got pregnant and am now 7 weeks. Me and the ex may or may not got back together. I'm gonna wait til the 2nd trimester to tell my parents. How should I tell them, does anyone have a similar experience to share? I want them to see this as good news but I know they arent.




  1. If you're 27, there's NO excuse for getting pregnant unless you wanted to.  As for telling your parents, good lord, you're 27.  Why do you owe them an explanation?  And if they didn't like your bf, chances are it won't matter what you tell them--they won't be happy about it.

  2. dont be concerned with if your parents like or dislike him, that really makes no difference only thing that mattures is you and the ex still care for each other or you guys wouldnt be trying over and over.

    second trimester is better less chance of misscarrage. Im thinking (well depending on how much your parents dont like the father) it might be best for other just you to sit down with them adult to adult instead of the attitude of child to parent or that both you and the old man to set down with both parents and show your both there for one another and for the child and let them know your guys excitment and your guys expectations of the grandparents to be ex that if thier personal thoughts on the father havnt changed that they wont hint about it to the child. best of luck and congradulations to all involved

  3. Just tell them your grown you don't need an excuse.  

  4. There's no amount of any sort of explanation that will soften the blow for them.  When I got pregnant with my first child I never did tell my parents for fear of what they were going to do or say because I was single.(I was 24)  When my mom found out she didn't speak to me until my oldest was born and my dad wouldn't allow me in the house until my son was 3 months old.(they found out when I was 4 months along)

    Now, though, my parents and my oldest are inseparable but it was hard to begin with.  The best thing is just to come right out and tell them.  Let them know you know how they feel and, even if they don't like your choices or decisions, you are an adult and really could use their support.

  5. well your grown so what can they say, really! but i know its hard i was terrified to tell my parents cause there's a 14 year difference in me and my honey! but it don't bother me! but id thought about telling them in the 2nd tri but if something happened god forbid a miscarriage i knew my family would be there to help me through it you know so i guess all you can do is break down and blurt it out it worked for me GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. Be honest with them. You're old enough to make your own decisions and although they may not like it, this is your baby we're talking about. They probably won't be very happy, but don't let them make you feel bad, if you want to keep the baby don't let them make you regret it. I'm not saying to ignore everything they may have to say on the matter, but tell them first what you think and how you feel about it.

    Good luck :)

  7. I would just tell them that towards the end of your relationship you were still "messing around" and now you are pregnant with his child. I'm sure that they will love their grandchild regardless of the father. My friend's sister got pregnant toward the end of an abusive relationship, and she now has a happy 6 year old. Her parents were pretty upset when they found out, but still helped her and remained supportive despite the fact that they think she made a mistake having a baby with this man. I wish you the best and hope that everything works out wonderful for you and your new baby.

    My Lord, why is everyone being so hateful towards this woman? She made a mistake! Who hasn't?

  8. Been there done that. My mom couldn't stand my daughters father, but her and my daughter are inseparable.Just be truthful with them. They will be mad when you first tell them, but as time goes on and your body begins to grow so will their love. We all make mistakes and picking a mate or birthing partner is our BIGGEST one. Life goes on and so do you.  

  9. in my oppinion, you'l have to take it in a good way with your parents like saying to them: hey mom, dad, guess what i'm pregnant! and show them that you are really happy about this if they love you and care about you i'm sure they'l be happy for you  


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