
So in section 8, they give you a voucer of 30% of your income. But if you have a son with a disability living

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with you, and any other check or cash assistance. Does your son's Social Security check or any other?Soc.Sec check of member of the family , count towards the determination of the family income and the voucher value? or income is only the head of family checks or paychecks?

Sorry to keep asking this , but where I work the training is so limited and nobody knows anything, and when you call these Gov Offices you never get a real life person to ask questions.




  1. I work in a Housing Department so I think I can help you out.

    You don't get a check for 30% of your income.  What happens is we take your total income (SSI, FIP, wages, etc) and determine how much you pay based on those numbers.  You can't pay more than 30% of your income (40% including utilities) towards rent, and we cover the rest.  There are maximum prices for apartments that we will let you stay in.  For example - if average rents in your town are $500/month, you can't go rent a $1,200/month suite.  That maximum rate is set by the federal government in Washington for each county.

    If you have no income (but it sounds like you do because of your disabled son), we will pay the entire amount, as long as the place you choose to live in is under the maximum rent amount.

    I forgot to add that this is all based on your total income.  In my jurisdiction, for a family of two - you would need to earn (FIP, SSI, wages, etc.) less than $25,200.  Those numbers are also set by Washington and differ based on the average income where you live.

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