
So instead of offshore drilling, why can't we have more offshore windmills?

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And sea floor turbines powered by the tides?

I know some of you are laughing because the Kennedys made a big stink about windmills ruining their view off of Massachusetts. I'm a Dem but I thought that was hypocritical too.

But seriously folks. That is energy we can use right now. That is relief from fuel costs this winter. What about it?




  1. It takes political will and you succinctly noted that one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate was against the Cape Cod wind project. And it is not energy we can use right now. It takes a long time and a lot of money to generate wind power. Once up, it will only satisfy a fraction of the energy requirement we currently have.

  2. Why not all of them? Why limit our options? However they are expensive to implement with only modest output. Until they can compete with oil they will be ignored.

  3. OMFG!!! For God sakes! Don't you people know anything??? They already have turbines in the ocean, or at least there about too. I watched it just today duh!!! And they're also using waves to produce electricity! Come on people! God! So what if wind turbines look bad! I think that stupid lepordprint purses and dresses and skirts are stupid, but people still wear them!!! Geez maybe you should research that before you ask and answer!!!


    Maybe the Kennedys will freeze in the dark.

  5. Someone said the wind power can't fuel your car.  Wrong.  Build wind and solar farms, and charge your your electric battery car using the grid.

  6. Those sea floor turbines are expensive to build. More expensive than drilling for oil. That is the reason they are not the preferred choice. If oil drilling were more expensive, or sea floor turbines were cheaper, or both, you would see a different choice.

  7. Well unfortunately they're two seperate issues.  Oil is mainly used for gasoline, which offshore wind can't replace (except for electric cars).  Offshore wind is definitely an energy source we should explore, but it's also more expensive than onshore wind, and it won't replace oil until we switch from gas cars to electric cars.

  8. Offshore windmills and sea floor turbines don't result in gasoline.  Gasoline is what is driving the current push to drill offshore and in Alaska wildlife preserves.  If it was just about electricity, your windmill solution would be best.

  9. It's 10 times more expensive to build offshore wind farms than onshore.

  10. You answered your own question. The elite Dems don't want them in their backyard and I am sure there are environmentalists who are afraid that  some sea creature might be hurt. Besides, wind energy cannot do a thing to fuel your car

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