
So is every country that enforces it's Immigration laws racist or is it just America?

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Are Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, England, and the vast majority of the other 200 plus nations of world racist as well for expecting their immigration laws to be obeyed? Or is it only America that gets singled out by the dimwits of the world?





  2. Every western country has been accused of racism.

    The problem is that none of us want to move to Jordan, Mexico, or Nigeria.

    I am sure that the countries that cry discrimination do not have an open door immigration policy either.

  3. America is a racist nation that does not enforce its immigration laws,  there are racists in every country other countries are run by more qualified people who do enforce their laws

  4. The word has been abused so much it has lost all meaning!

  5. Canada and Mexico are IN America, bubbles

    Oh, roadhazzard, cute little kitten, allow me to tell you that the world does not spin around you or around certain people. If you want to name a country "The Most Beautiful In the World" you can do so, but that doesn't make it true. It is only your personal opinion, which is not more important than anyone else's

    And I explain, since it seems not to be clear: Canada and Mexico are in North America, which IS part of America.

    I have the feeling that you read geography in the wrong book

    Now you will say that Japan is in Europe, the sky is pink, the beach is made of quick sand, and the plants are purple

    Oh, well. If that makes you happy

  6. Its rediculous.  I, as are many others, am not against any one race, but ALL illegal aliens.  I have no problem with those who come here legally.  Deport ALL illegals asap!!

  7. Every country has the right to their own laws without being considered racist. Until those laws  are exposed for bigotry and prejudice. Then the ' dim wits ' as you called them have a duty to speak out for changes.

    If you want to be facetious we are the United States of America. Shortened from the original United States of THE Americas. No where in gov are we called America. United States Marine Corps, United States Customs and Immigration Service, UNITED STATES. Don't insult other ppl about their intelligence if yours isn't up to par.

  8. NO, it was the dimwits that have allowed the minority to abuse the system.

    We brought it upon ourselves by looking the other way when it was happening. Now that the weather is tempered we cry and whine.

    The US Citizen was forewarned two decades ago after the Amnesty of the 80's. Nobody took action and the proof is evident today of the Politikos in office which is an indicator that the citizen is still  complacent..

    United States of America is a Country.

    Then we have North America (Canada, US, Mexico), Central America (Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) and South America (everything else south of Panama)

    America aka The Western Hemisphere as recognized by the UN, WTO and everything in between.....

  9. Australia, UK and others get hit with the same bogus charges as the US -- not as many and not as vociferous, but the same.  

    Interestingly, Japan, which has the about strictest immigration and citizenship laws of any country, and about the strictest enforcement of their laws, may be the only one to escape this nonsense.  It seems that countries with few, if any, illegal aliens do not get illegal aliens demonstrating for "rights" they do not have or special "privileges" denied even to citizens of the countries these lawbreakers invade.  And they are spared bogus attacks used to deflect the arguments that laws should be obeyed.

  10. America is a continent! not a country!

  11. According to the liberals,it's just America. We're all white here and all racist!

    In reality however,no country is racist for wanting immigration laws to be followed.

  12. Oh my, that one thought America wasn't a country lol! Glad you educated him a bit lol!

    Im sure any country that the citizens start crying out for the borders to be controlled are considered racists. They can call it what they want, whatever makes them feel better as criminals, however illegal is illegal in my book. There are many other colors of skin here in America that are fed up will illegals, even some of their own color!

  13. metapgorically:

    if you spoil a child and be too nice to him, he will forget to be grateful. instead, he will think you are obliged to serve him while others don't have to.

  14. Yes! All countries that I have heard of are racist against criminal invaders. Still trying to find out when criminal invader became a race!

  15. to demorat

    i am israeli and i can tell you that we enforce immigration rules strictly be have illegal workers from the fillipens thilland and africa and we have a sepcial police force that goes throw the rich neiberhoods knock on doors and cheak for illegal workers if one if found the worker is arrested on the spot and the employer recives a fine of about 30000NIS with is something like $10000 and he is also given a court date thats how we fight illegal immigration

  16. Where ever there are liberals, ridiculous cries of racism will be there. The key is to ignore those cries and to simply stop caring if people cry racism and just do what needs to be done.

  17. America is probably one of the top ones since we have so many illegal invaders trying to use the race card, we definitely get singled out by the dimwits!!! Surprises me how criminals want rewarded for their illegal behavior and go to whatever means to try to get it, whining racism or whatever!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  18. It's so completely ridiculous what is going on with illegal immigration. Curious, does Israel allow illegal immigration?

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