
So is it better to call or speak in person with the manager?

by  |  earlier

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How is it not rude to go in and ask to speak to the manager......? Shouldn't they be busy doing something?




  1. A way to get around that may be to call them ask them when a good time to drop by would be. Most managers are busy, but will still make time to talk with someone, especially if you try to accommodate their schedule.

  2. If you work at that company then It is not rude to ask to speak to the manager.. you can phone him in his office. tell him you have a work related problem to discuss with him and he is a busy man.. therefore ask him when it is convenient to talk to you.. he may happen to be free then you go to his office, knock on his door and talk to him right away otherwise he will give you a time.. and you better be there at the time mentioned because a manager is a busy person.. he is not the boss but he has the main responsibility that things run smoothely .. all depending on the size of the company.. there may be more than one manager..  a junior manager.. a senior manager.. you go and talk to the one directly superior to you..  if that is the Junior manager you have to talk to him.. if the company is small they may have just one manager then you talk to him.. if it['s about a job.. you are looking for employment well you best find out first if a job is available there and if so send in your resume and after a few days you can phone and ask if they received it.. then it'[s up to the manager to tell either think you are potential for the company and he will decidce if he will invite you to an inteview or not.. you should only phone to ask if your resume got there after having established if there is a vacancy at that company.. if there are no vacancies there is no need to phone and ask for a job.. but if you work there and have work related problems to discuss then the manager will be there for you when he finds the time.. therefore phone him and ask when it's convenient that you see him x*x

  3. I dont think its rude at all, if something is not getting done right by an empolyee or the employee was rude or whatever the case my be, it is the managers job to fix it or fire that person.  If you get bad costumer service you should ask to speak to the manager while you are there in the store and talk to him face to face, or if its over the phone when it happens do it that way.  If the manager does not know what is going on with the service or the employee he cant fix it and the problem will presist.

  4. Yes, they should be busy, helping you!

  5. IN PERSON....

    I know plenty of places that won't even look at your application untill you speak to the manager in person.

  6. With little detail, it's really hard to tell what your intentions are.  I would say if you are wanting to speak to a manager about a complaint, it's best to do it in person.  If you call, they will have their calls screened and will avoid you like the plague.  I know this because that's how my last manager was.  If you are wanting to talk to him/her about a job, then just contact HR.

    And managers are busy doing stuff...........making more work for the employees!


    Read your additional details, just call HR and ask what their application process is.  You normally wouldn't have to talk to a manager until after you apply.

  7. well it would be best if you face to face...i think any ways

    good luck x

  8. It is always better to speak directly to the manager. That lets him or her know there is no one more important than the customer (you) and it shows him that you know it.

  9. call and make a time to speak with a manager.

    or be bold and outlandish and go speak with the manager and most likely p**s him off or it will show the manager that you are serious.

  10. Speak in person. It shows confidence.

  11. Speak to the manager about what?

    For a job - Calling is your best option

    To File a Complaint - They don't really care so just let it go. But if you insit, speaking to the manager in person at the time of the incident is the best option

  12. I would speak to the manager face to face. But if you're concerned about them being busy, you could call and schedule a time to meet them.

  13. Well will manage it.

  14. Yes, best to speak to the Manager face to face but it depends what wish to accomplish.

  15. just walk in and say, ''hi i was wondering if i could speak with your manager''   if they're not their, arrange an appointment, so the staff can't fob you off thinking you have a complaint.

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