
So is it for sure that micro black holes will be created at the LHC?

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Is this for sure going to happen?




  1. It is extremely unlikly.  and even if it did happen it would probably be reversible.

  2. It's definitely NOT 'for sure' that it will happen.  It's a possibility, but not a very good one.

    Are you asking if LHC can produce _dangerous_ micro black holes?  The answer to that is definitely NO.  There is zero chance of a black hole being produced that could 'suck up' the earth.

    The kind of thing that happens in the LHC happens naturally, every day.  The only difference is that the LHC is going to make it happen in front of some very sensitive equipment, rather than randomly around the world.  The fact that the earth still exists is proof that LHC can't produce any dangerous micro black holes.

    The kind of micro black holes they'll be looking for at LHC will evaporate in less than a second, and even if they don't, they're too small to actually suck anything in.

  3. It isn't "for sure", it just something that may or may not happen.  If it does happen, then we should probably not have to worry at all since particles with greater energies than the LHC can produce collide into our atmosphere daily.  If any of those high energy cosmic rays had produce microscopic black holes in the atmosphere, they seem to be harmless. Many feel that if a black hole was created in the LHC it would evaporate almost instantaneously due to Hawking Radiation.  

    Oh and also as a side note, I asked my modern physics professor once about this and he told me more or less "how would I know, there are currently no experiments designed to be ABLE to detect a microscopic black hole. They aren't even really sure what they would be looking for."  So yea, doesn't seem to be a vary important topic to scientist working on the LHC, at least not right now.  

  4. if and only IF they succeed in creating a black hole, it will be too small for anyone to see with the naked eye, and because it will be too small to vacuum anything in, it will not be able to expand and will evaporate.

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