
So is snape a virgin then?

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he never married or anything so did he die a virgin he only ever loved harrys mum




  1. Probably had a few one night stands here or there lol

  2. Who knows. He might have picked up a trashy witch at the Three Broom Sticks & got jiggy with it.

  3. don't know but good question. it made me lol

  4. Just because he was never married doesn't mean he died a virgin. Not too sure they have beliefs like pre-marital s*x and such in the wizarding world. lol..

  5. Maybe who knows if there is a lust potion.

    Rest in peace Half-Blood Prince. =]

  6. That would explain why he's so mean but I'm sure there was a female Death Eater who slept with him at least once. I kind of wished JK had gone more into Snape's life just so we could see beyond his love for Lily and his hatred fro James, what really made him tick

  7. love and s*x are different things

  8. lol good question

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