
So is the stopping of rhyme in this poem bad?

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I stopped rymeing by the end of the poem. It is about when everyone of your friends and possibley generation dies and you are all left.

So, here alone

So lonely

Missed memories of past

Missed Cast

Best friend gone

Best friends gone

Not me

Violent deaths to them

Selfish and Smart choices of mine

Should be exalting

But only drowning and malting

My self

Of course I had to survive

Of course so many had to sacrufice die ealy

When singled out by death

I know, no one

It seems un reconizable

These new People living

And me as a artifact of the old

And me alone




  1. I don't think the rhyming affects it at all. That is a really good poem

  2. Great poem. scary thought.

  3. it bugs me when poems rhyme

  4. I don't think there's enough rhyme here to establish a pattern that the reader would look for. "alone/lonely" aren't a rhyme, "past/cast" are, in the third stanza repeated words are not technically a rhyme. "them/mine" do not rhyme. "exalting/malting" do but you might want to reconsider "malting" I can't make any sense out of it's use here.  This is a strong idea that can use some more work, I think,  It is also not clear to whom "When singled out by death" refers to. It almost seems to be the narrator talking about themselves but that doesn't seem right since they are the only one of their time or generation left (Of so it seems to them.)  Anyway, keep up the good work.

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