
So is there like an official law book where all the laws are written?

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Cause it seems like people are just making laws up out of their heads... I need to see a book or something.




  1. The law is contained in thousands of books covering actual cases that are hundreds of years old.  It takes three years to study just a little bit of that to become a lawyer.  However, lawyers are taught how to find the law in law school.  Then, both sides argue the law to a judge who, hopefully, is smart enough to pick the right side.  If he is wrong either side can appeal and, hopefully, an appellate judge picks the right side.  The law is in thousands of books in good law libraries.  There is probably one in the county seat of your county.  Anyone can go in there and look around and talk to the librarian.  You might want to consider law school.

  2. Each state has their own official compilation of laws, yes there is a book.  For Michigan each law has an MCL number (Michigan Compiled Law).  You can access your states laws online at their government website.

  3. NO, there is no one official book.  It is called Law School and requires testing (the Bar) and licensing by each individual State one practices in.  Then there is the yearly continuing education requirements.  

    Every court house has a law library in or near by.  Check it out.  You may be astonished at how many books and volumes a law library contains as the law is constantly changing.

  4. It is not "just a book" -- there numerous volumes!  The US laws start with the Constitution, then there is the US Code for federal laws, and each state likewise has a set of books for state laws, and each locality has books of local ordinances.  For example, Planning & Zoning will have a book of the jurisdiction's planning & zoning ordinances.  Then comes case law:  the courts have decided various disputes and further defined the laws as passed by Congress, state legislatures, etc.

    So go to the nearest Law Library, and start researching through thousands of volumes.

  5. There are a lot of them.

    Your city will have a book of city ordinances. So will your county. Your States laws are published in a number of books, known as the 'codes', In my State, one will find the "California penal code", "California vehicle code", "California business and professional code" and on and on. Then the States regulatory agencies also publish books of regulations.

    On the Federal level, too, the laws are published in a series of books called the United States Code. Each "Title" of the Code includes laws that cover a certain area. "26 USC", for example, will refer to Title 26 of the United States Code, and refers to Tax law. "49 CFR" refers to transportation law, etc etc etc. Then, just like the States, there are the Codes of Federal Regulations - the "CFR's" - these are the regulations written by regulatory agencies, rather than by Congress.


  6. Yes, there are official law books.  The big law book is the Constitution of the United States.  Also, each state has there own penal code, health and safety code, etc.  Then again we have had some recent judges making up their own laws which have defied "we the people."

  7. No.  There is a law library, containing many tens of thousands of books, but no single book that lists all the laws applicable to every town, city, county, state and country.

  8. It all comes from the law fairy. Find the law fairy and you find all the laws.

  9. no one knows

    skip to about 6.5 minutes (six and a half minutes)

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