
So is this 'Call me Dave' Cameron's masterplan to win the northern vote...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike erm, moving a million northerners to London?!?




  1. I think his only thought was to get away from that as fast as he could, but if it reminds people that the Tories aren't good for this country, then all the better.

    Only problem is, I moved to the South and I have a better quality of life than I did have, so or me, the report was sort of right.

  2. Loved it, poor Dave couldn't get away fast enough !

  3. Hopefully it will make people remember exactly what Twonks the Conservatives were  in government.

  4. it wasn't his suggestion, and quite honestly if any more come to the south, the place will sink under the weight.

    this is what annoys me people who move south for the economic benefits then proceed to slag it off

  5. He didn't support that report's findings.

    There's no way I would vote for him anyway.

  6. no, its by distancing himself from the silly idiots who suggested it.....

  7. I am not sure that that was David Camerons exact response, but in any event, all politicians are as bad as each other.

    But in answer to that report: this is a typical southerner's attitude -- nothing exists north of Watford, and if it does, then it's bound to be terrible. This point is proven by the fact that those who wrote it are all from the south. They are probably the same people who write all the other ridiculous and pointless reports. What will they tell us next? that fat people weigh more?.

    I wouldn't live down south if you paid me - I spent three years in London and couldn't wait to get back up north - my quality of life in London was terrible!.

  8. you bet ye

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