I (thought) i got really close to this guy that i had been friends with before, just not close. He helped me by cheating out his best friend by telling me he was a major player and he was only going to hurt me. and he didn't want to see me get hurt. (turns out he was right)
Well i noticed on myspace on his top i am no longer on his top. He was calling me his bestie and we text all the time. I saw his top and he hid it but you can still see by changing the page style. He kept changing his story on why i was not on there. He didn't get that i could still see it. He lied and said i was, then he said how can you see it, then he said he hid it so he wouldn;t have this problem. Then he changed yet again to he wasnt the one who changed it.
I just said bye cause i'm really kind of annoyed that he would lie. He never gave me a good reason.
Is this guy just friends with me out of sympathy because of what his best friend did? Or is he a real friend? I'm looking back at his top and i still am no longer in it..after this whole scene.