Question:'s obvious that Nigeria will beat the argies?

by  |  earlier

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it's like SO obvious...

do you like the look of that mascherano ,he's got a face that you wouldnt stop hitting




  1. Do you really believe that anyone can stop Messi???

  2. I doubt it. Wow... someone's actually siding with Nigeria.  

  3. C'mon Argentina!!!!

  4. I hope so but I don't think they will be able to stop messi ...

  5. ?

    I actually thought it is obvious Argentina have the better chance

    No offence but Nigeria has only Mikel while Argentina have Messi, Riquelme, Mascherano and many others

    And if you watch the humiliation of Brazil I dont think anyone would bet against them

  6. Lets go Nigeria my Calculus teacher is Nigerian haha

  7. its gonna be tough beating the nigerians  3-0. argentina will have to shore up its defences. i hope they win tho. messi will be fired up for barca if he goes home with gold hehe

    (mascherano took an olympic dive, disgusting pissa ****)  

  8. Come on Marky, just admit that Argentina has basically got the gold medal. It'll be easy wins for Argentina.

  9. LOL....your so mean!

    what matters is how they play in the Field, u know i thought u'll say that argentina play well against hard teams and suck against small teams and so u predict Nigeria to will win, anyway I hope the tango will win the Gold good luck to both teams, hope to see a good game from both and may the best win! i'm soooo for the Tango!

  10. argentina is better organized and overall better than nigeria.

    nigeria has been lucky so far...didnt deserve to win against ivory coast and has been lucky to find a poor team like belgium.

    so argentina all the way

  11. yeah right..look at the football history Argentina has compared to Nigeria. Plus Argentina is defending the gold medal won in Athens.

  12. lol i guess nigeria does deserve a chance :))

  13. I think it will be a great game----2 good sides, both of whom have aleady won Olympic Gold medals.  It will be a real battle; it'll be great fun---can't wait to see it.

  14. Tsk tsk... Don't underestimate the Argentine, nor should they underestimate Nigeria.

    I must say even though Maxi Rodriguez plays for Atléti, he has one of those faces you just want to punch for no reason, like Ronney. You don't even have to hate them, you just see them as a punching bag.

  15. You plan to break Messi's legs? :O

    If no, no haha

  16. LMAO on Mascherano! Marky u rock haha

    he goes down soooo easily and rolls like a bred roll falling down a spiral staircase. Livershit *****r.

    I think it will be a close game, with the Africans winning it :P hehe

  17. :( no argentina will win

    well i hope so, atleast brazil is out, actually brazil is ok i just don't like fatron (ronaldinho)

  18. I give Argentina a 70% chance of winning.

  19. It may be obvious to you.What it is obvious to me are the sour grapes. I wonder why?

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