
So it's safe to safe Blu-ray has won?

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Seeing as Warner Brothers and Disney are exclusive to Blu ray, with the inevitable growing ammount of companies switching to Bluray... can we just call HD-DVD the loser already?

Not only are stores selling the HDDVD players for 100 bucks (cheaper than some dvd players in canada...) and fact theres barely any movies on HDDVD...

So. Who agrees. Disagree?




  1. Blu-ray has not won...Find a place that sell over 1 million Blu-ray disks a month.

  2. Bluray hasnt won, but it seems to have the upper-hand right now.

  3. The game isn't over yet !!!!

  4. It looks like Warner have or are about to announce supporting Blu-ray only by May. That means the majority of support at studio level is for Blu-ray ... so HD DVD is probably on the way out.

    Personally, I think HD DVD was the better consumer format but misleading advertising works. Now let's see if Blu-ray can beat out DVD as the mainstream disk format. That remains to be seen.

  5. The war is over.  Blu-ray won.  It's finally safe to pick a side and move on from our DVD collections.  Warner Bros. said it best:

    “A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry."

    -2007 saw Blu-ray software sales selling 3 to 1 over HD-DVD titles worldwide.

    -This year's shopping season saw Blu-ray Disc players selling 2 to 1 over HD-DVD players (even when Blu-ray players cost TWICE as much!)

    -And now, with 70% of Hollywood studios backing Blu-ray exclusively, the HD-DVD promoters have backed out of this year's CES (Consumer Electronics Show) at the last minute.

    Early HD-DVD adopters should be happy they'll be able to buy great-sounding and great-looking movies at 10 for $10 later this year.  Hi-Def picture and Uncompressed sound are an improvement over DVD whether it's "Blue" or "Red".

  6. Blu ray won the war , hd-dvd just don't know it yet

    universal pictures and paramount will soon join the blue-train

  7. Blu ray has definitely not won. As others have mentioned, Microsoft is backing HD DVD, along with others. Because of this, the XBox360 has the ability to play HD DVD's which is a major plus for HD DVD. The fact that HD DVD is cheaper than Blu ray is not a negative, but a positive for HD DVD because people will inevitably spend less if they are not sure.

    BUT, here is something to think about. LG has already introduced a player which will play both types of DVD's, so it may really become almost a non issue. Check out the link below. Most experts see Blu ray and HD DVD as just being niche markets until the next 'big thing'. Within another year or so, you will be able to get a player that plays both types of DVD's for the same price as just a Blu ray player.

  8. no, blu-ray has not won

    i personally think blu-ray is the better technology, and would prefer it to win

    i however bought a HD-DVD player

    2 main reasons

    HD DVD is cheaper to produce, both the player and the dvd's themselves and consumers are cheap <hint hint wal-mart is the number 1 retail store>

    Sony and Disney will not allow p**n to be produced on Blu-Ray

    if you were around during the VHS vs Beta-Max days, VHS beat Beta (the superior technology in visual quality) for 3 reasons. Beta was to short of a tape (which time would have changed), Beta was a more expensive technology to produce players and tapes for, Beta backers didnt want p**n produced on beta.

    funny how history repeats its self.

  9. Blu ray and HD-DVD still have a long way to go. The down side of Blu ray is that you need to buy a seperate Blu ray player. Most movies now are still coming out with DVD's.

    I think that later on, if Sony can really push to beat HD-DVD with Blu ray, you may have a winner. Right now it is too early to decide.

  10. It's not over yet. The only way there can be a winner is when DVD is replaced. HD DVD and Blu-ray are not being positioned as replacements to DVD, they are simply an option.

  11. Microsoft is backing HDDVD.  It will be a long battle I think.

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