
So its elementary volleyball and Coach doesn't play me or my friend AT ALL for four games?!?!?!?!?

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um. is that even right? its elementary we should be having fun not worrying about whether we win or lose. I am about average. and she doesnt play me for four games straight. jsut had the 4th game 2nite. she didnt play me. or my friend. we think we are going to quit tomorrow. we added up our hours at practice and games and we spent about 2 days there wasting our time when we have homework and other things to do instead of sitting on a bench. also theres 3 games each nite, rally score. we were wayyy ahead in the 1st, she definetly had an oppurtunity to play us.




  1. dem thats messed up.

    well u can quit if u want.

    if u dont at least have fun practicing.

    hey tell her doesn't she put u in th game?

    good luck,at least ur active.

  2. Go see the coach and ask her what her philosophy is (what she stands for)  . Be tactful. Handle this maturally. You don't need your parent's calling. You can handle this.

    If it's an elem or middle school team, then it has to be developmental and everyone should get to play. If it isn't, I am sure the administration wouldn't approve of it. Actually, coaches should state the program's philosophy at the start of the season so the players know what to expect.

    If her philosophy is to win, then it's time to either speak with your parents or the athletic director or principal (whoever is in charge).

    You can do it!

  3. Have your parents talk to the coach. No it isn't right. But maybe there are disciplinary reasons why you are sitting out - like skipping practice, misbehaving in practice, etc. Sports are about discipline - and if you don't put in the effort, you dont' get to play. However, at your age (which by the way, is too young to be on Yahoo Answers - you don't sound like an elementary school student by the way.) everyone should get a chance. Please have a parent talk to the coach to find out what is up.

    And sitting on the bench is NOT wasting time. Practice and being part of a team are still an important part of sports. You should aspire to work harder to EARN a spot in the starting line up. When you get into high school, and beyond, you don't get to autmomatically play - you have to put in the effort and earn a spot, for sports, jobs, for everything worth having the rest of your life, so get used to putting in the effort now, as the rewards are very worthwhile.

  4. Hey!! If ya love VB stick it out. Maybe your coach needs to told how much you want to play. Maybe your showing your dissapointment in ways that she seems as uninterested in the game??? Good luck and chin up.

  5. that sucks

  6. You should talk to your coach and ask her why she's not allowing you to play.  Ask her what areas that you need to improve on so that you get court time.  Don't quit.


  8. well I'm a middle school volleyball player so what I'm going to say is practice harder and show that your really dedicated... and maybe he will play u worked 4 me

  9. First I want to know if you show up for every practice? Lets say that you do or maybe youv'e missed maybe one, OK? I see no reason why this coach won't put you two in . You do have the right to question the coach about this so don't be afraid to ask her WHY NOT US TOO COACH? We show up for practice and we aren't getting any playing time and we want to know why? Don't be afraid or intimidated by their authority and repeat what you said in this question about how games are supposed to be  fun and fun isn't happening!Tell her about the hours invested in practice and bench warming and that your time is valuable too as far as furthering your education by spending more time on homework I  too have coached every sport (except soccer) and as a coach I made sure THAT EVERY CHILD PLAYED!!! The whole reason for youngsters going out for sports was to learn the basics and to work together as a team,whether it was sports ,problem solving,learning to play well with other kids and the value of taking turns in group situations. With the added value of an exercise program that I hoped stayed with them by getting together with some friends and playing  a game for fun instead of playing video games by themselves. Which leads me to the explanation of a "COACH"Someone who teaches youngsters the basics of executing moves and playing by the rules of the game,whether it be  sporting event or living life as a compatible member of a group The #1 rule of every sport is to have fun and learn that losing is only a number. and not a win,lose,or die situation. Only when you are payed to play, does a sport become a job where you are payed to win!  Laugh at your own  mistakes as well as your teammates. Have fun! Learn to lose graciously. and have fun.When a call is right tell eryone who objects. When a call is wrong, explain it ti the refs,umpires, judges,explain in a calm voice why you feel it was wrong and accept their decision. Why.because life isn't alwys fair and people do make mistakes. Have fun and make sure every one on the team does too . Feel free to print this and give it to your coach as it seems that she hasn'tlearned the meaning of being a COACH

  10. It's not about fun or fitness! It's about winning... for the coach anyway. He has to look good in front of his peers. Sorry that's the way coaches are sometimes. Some are good, some are bad. You've got a bad apple. Maybe you should train hard and show him up. And then when he congratulates you, tell him it's no thanks to him.

  11. go up to the coach and let her know or esle u r wasting ur time

  12. instead of complaing about it why dont you talk to her about it i mean that would b the smart thing to do

  13. Nope you can't get better if you don't play in real situations. Address that!

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