
So its my first semester of student teaching!?

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first semester of student teaching? im student teaching Health and PE for grades 8-12 and two classes of 1st graders. Im in a small school only about 400 kids grades k-12 in a middle class...but I guess im unsure of what to expect. I want to do my best for the students, but how do I know when I need to give more or when im doing fine. Any teachers have any suggestions? thanks


nervous student teacher!




  1. Ask your supervising or cooperative teacher for advice. Once you start, it will all come natural to you. Make sure you have something planned for all the time you are with the kids....better to overplan then to be left with time and nothing for the kids to do.

  2. Keep them super busy with no time for getting into trouble....have fun games or do circuits...and use really awesome, hip-hop, something they can relate to..

  3. since its PE make sure to mix it up. kids get bored easily. just dont do lectures. when its PE class, they expect and want to play and have fun. have fun competitons and be open to suggestions

  4. God bless you, child.

    Just take a deep breath -- be prepared for anything -- and smile at everybody.  

    Three passwords for continued success:  Firm, fair, consistent.  No matter where you go or what grade you teach, those three words will work; they worked for me for 38 years.

  5. I taught for several years and I wish someone had given me some advice when I 1st started out! So, I will try to give you some tips regarding things I learned along the way. First of all, remember that you are the adult-they are the students. Don't ever fall into the trap of trying to be their friend! Listen to them, help them, but don't try to be like them. Another thing I learned was ALWAYS be prepared for the unexpected. Things will come up suddenly like an unannounced assembly, guest speaker, whatever. Be prepared and have a back-up plan. The kids will not know its your 1st year if you follow that bit of advice! Last of all, try to make the subjects interesting. Don't be afraid to do something unusual. I taught a foreign language and we would do all sorts of crazy things like go around to all the classes and sing songs, cook, have contests, etc... Just relax and again, be prepared. Don't get discouraged if you have students who try to test you. Just remember you are the authority figure and if you respect them and be fair with everyone and consistent, they too will respect you.

  6. It's normal to be nervous. Try to hide it from the kids...the first graders will be easy. For the high school, be firm about what you say. You are the boss...most will do whatever you tell them. It is a very few that will test you to see what they can get away with. Try not to come on too strong, but let them know that you are in charge, and they must follow your rules. After a few days, try to get to know the kids. Ask them what they did the night before, or find out what they are interested in. It helps a lot.

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