
So just thinking about promise rings...?

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I was just thinking about it like just curious, is it ok for a girl to give a guy a promise ring before he gives one to her, how long would you wait if you wanted to give your bf one? guys how would you react to a girl giving you a promise ring? or how long would you wait to give one to your gf? a promise to love you and be faithful kind of thing, just curious :)




  1. While promise rings are a bit passe, I would never think that one of the things that ladies should now do as well.  We really should leave  some things to tradition.  Will  you also give him an engagement ring on bended knee?  Let him give you one if one has to be given.  If he doesn't do it with out you asking him about it remember it's not the same.

      Oh, and by the way, in this day and age, when girls start buying guys tokens of affection it's called Big Pimpin, so don't be offended if next he may ask for those new Jordan's

  2. I really don't know.

    I received a promise ring when I was with a guy for a year...

    But we ended up breaking up... lol.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. I don't think girls should give their bf a promise ring. Girls listen up...guys want to be the ones that are doing the chasing. It is what makes them feel masculine and it is also what makes us feel like women. I think a guy gets turned off by a girl that is making all the moves, as in giving him a ring, calling all the time, acting needy or posessive. Guys like girls that are independent, self-confident and that know how to keep their guys on their toes. For a girl to be given a ring that means their bf promises to be faithful and love her is a wonderful thing, but to give a bf a ring is strange.

  4. I think promise rings are just silly any way you look at it.  They really don't mean anything.  I mean how many people do you know that have gotten one and then not married the person who gave it to them?  Just wait until you're old enough to get married and if you still love him get married.  You'll both change a lot before then so it's best to wait before making any kind of commitment.

  5. No, it looks very desperate!

  6. My boyfriend and I got identical promise rings when we were in high school after dating for about 1 1/2 years.  We broke up at the beginning of senior year.

    My fiance gave me a gorgeous promise ring (his birthstone) when we had been together for about 4 years.  We've been together almost 9 years now and recently got engaged!!!  He gave me the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen (custom made).

    If you think you've been with him long enough to have that kind of commitment than do it.  I would not buy a very expensive ring yet (save that for the engagement in a few years).  The ring I had in high school was a simple sterling silver ring, I believe it cost about $20.  Just be careful that you don't scare your man by being too serious for him too quickly.

  7. I hate how everyone says that promise rings are for high schoolers or are stupid. It is okay! Well my fiance and I were apart for 5 years while in college, and got each other promise rings so that we were able to have something with us all the time to be reminded of each other. I got one from my fiance a year after we had started dating. and I actually had a delay on mine due to the jewelers, and it came a week or so later and I gave it to him. So i only waited about a year. I gave it to him and he loved it. I guess it depends on the guy. Wait until you two really feel like you are in a solid place in your relationship. Where you two really feel like you can commit to each other. You know these days things aren't left to tradition. People do whatever the heck they want. Women propose to men all the time. So I don't really see anything wrong with a guy wearing a promise ring. Hopefully the guy will take it with thoughts that oh, my girlfriend really does love me.  I think whatever your heart leads you to do then do it. I now wear the ring on my right hand because it was simple and had a ruby in it instead of diamonds, which could look like an engagement ring. Good luck!

  8. promise rings are for teenagers with no idea about love, why would you want one, if u are serious get an engagement ring! why waste your time with a promise ring?? WTF??

  9. Girls don't give guys promise rings.  A guy gives a girl a promise ring when he's serious about her and promises to ask her to marry him.  It's like a going-steady ring.  It's not suppose to look like an engagement ring.  

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