
So..kid attempted to bring stuff 2 school 2 make bomb (but obviously had no idea...) should i tell school?

by  |  earlier

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lets say the kids names are tom and alex.

alexs parents didnt do a thing when they found out that he and another kid brought supplies to school to make a bomb (well tom brought the supplies, but alex thought the whole idea up and told tom to bring dishsoap, conditioner, and laundry soap (alex can be an idiot, and he really has no idea what hes talking about!)) another kid, lets just say justin, overheard them talking and went home that day and told his mom. his mom then called toms mom (small town, every1 knows every1) and toms mom then called alexs mom. the three discussed it. alex currently has no punishment what so ever, while tom i have a feeling is suffering... when his dad found out, he had to leave the house just so he wouldnt do something he would regret... the school has no idea. and i feel that i should tell the principal, even tho i dont go to that school (im a sophmore. these kids are in 5th grade. but the principal was my principal for 2 yrs, so ik him.) but idk if i should make tom suffer more. i want alex to be introuble because he didnt get any punishment. but i also dont want him to get expelled. im thinking, since its a first offense, that h**l get in school or out of school suspencion... i feel in my gut 2 tell the principal. but not many ppl know. and i dont want alexs mom to be mad at me... im not even supposed to know. my mom is friends wit alexs mom and she told me bout it. the kdis are only in 5th grade, and alex is already thinking about stuff like that? that means theres an issue that needs to be resolved. and he needs some meetings wit the counselor, in my opinion.

what should i do???

im sorry its so long. and thanks!




  1. YES!!! TELL SOMEONE!!! there have been too many scool shootings over the many young people dying for no reason..please tell someone..

  2. You should absolutely go inform the principal/super attendant/ school board and all that stuff......Those kids seriously need counseling!!

    Please answer my question??;...

  3. Sounds like you already know what you have to do. You really need to talk to the school counselor (or principal), to make sure this little stunt doesn't turn into something serious. The sooner the better, like tomorrow. You are a great friend for wanting to stop this before it gets out of control. Hopefully they will thank you someday. Seriously, if this is allowed to go "untreated" , somebody could get hurt.

  4. If you know that he had ingredients to make a bomb and planned to do so, tell the principal IMMEDIATELY and get your story straight--tell the truth.

  5. IMMEDIATLY, tell your parents,don't wait until morning.  Tell your parents, NOW. Then make sure you bring it to the attention of the principal as soon as you go back to school as well. This is VERY important. You need to think of not only yourself, but the safety of the rest of the students at the school as well.  

  6. It may cause more trouble for tom but what happens when alex figures out how to make the bomb. Yes go tell the principal it is the right thing and might save lives.  

  7. yes. you should definately tell someone. our school had a bomb threat that people knew about but didnt report until the whole school was evacuated and it cost the school tons of money. and there might be something wrong with the kid and he needs help... so i would tell some one pleeaseee

  8. talk to the principal and express your concern. its great that you care about it and yes there is a problem if at this age they are already discussing things like that. it may be peer pressure or a prank, but its still serious. the kids may need help and you could be the one to get it for them!

  9. hmmm, alert the school counsler. Building a bomb in fifth grade? h**l I wanted to do that, but me and my brother didn't know how.

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