
So last night I had s*x with this girl I've been dating, but she kept laughing and giggling, is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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I know it's not normal but why the h**l man? Does she think it's a joke? I didn't find it very funny while we were having s*x, I even asked her what's so funny...and she didn't wanna tell me. It musta been the biggest turnoff in history, my p***s even shriveled at one point, and I never climaxed. We've been together for 3 weeks BTW. Has this happened to anyone before?




  1. okay this may sound crazy but if it was after she climaxed it happens to some women. It makes you very sensitive and ticklish. She should have told you if it was that but maybe if it was your first time she was embarrassed. She would have been better off to tell you than leave you wondering what it was as you are now.  

  2. Either she thought it was a joke or you need to work on your technique.

  3. The only way you're ever going to know is to ask her. And if you wanna keep having s*x with her you're going to have to ask her or every time you get dirty you'll be wondering, "Oh god, am I doing this right?" And if you ARE doing something wrong, ask her WHAT so you can fix it. It could be something really simple. Also...don't let her get you down man...s*x isn't all a man's job. There's a woman in there somewhere....and I'm sure she could use improvement as well. If she's gets uppity about telling you why, just say well next time it happens I'm just gonna stick my d**k in your mouth. And then we'll see who's laughing then...

  4. Put it in her pooper. That should shut her up.

  5. eat a mango and I mean eat it slowly. The seed is a good place to start sucking gently. when GF comes over next time

    give her an oil massage, nibble on her lips ears and neck. suckle her nipples and nibble on them too. licks, sucks and slurps. dont let her move cause you are in charge. l**k her stomach navel and do not forget behind the knees. When you get to her love central. part the lips like Moses did the red sea when you see a kidney bean l**k, nibble and suck. you should be having fun as well so you should be up and ready to go. lift her legs up and slowly spank her love central with your stud muffin and then enter  grab her hair and just go off on this gal. She should not be laughing at this point.

    Good luck.


  6. Some gals just laugh and giggle because they are having fun... it doesn't mean anything was wrong.

    Now... when they scream and burst into tears... it's time to withdraw the troops.

  7. mayb she was nervous was it the first time u 2 had done it or have u done it b4 with each other

  8. Read up on sexual technique. A man needs to learn to satisfy his partner. Most of the time, when a woman is giggling, it is not about how bad we are. Sometimes they are having a good time. Sometimes they are making fun of us. Bottom line is: She let you into one of her innermost places. Consider yourself lucky, dude! And learn to satisfy her or another woman in the future.

  9. Do whatever Boogie said... lol... I dare not read it again... I gots me some company in the office today... lol.

    Sometimes people get the giggles mate. Once a gal gets ticklish you just have to work with that. Not everything is serious in the love shak. As a person who can be particularly ticklish at times, I can tell you that once it starts... it's difficult to stop laughing... and the more serious my lover gets... the harder I laugh.... she was most unlikely to be laughing at you.... she was laughing by reason of you.... and there's a huge difference.

  10. she did not giggle when I was there  ooooh

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