
So lazy they said <span title=""ipd"WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????">"ipd"WHY?????????????????...</span>

by Guest65786  |  earlier

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how much time could anyone possibly ever ever save missing out one letter "i" from the word "i pod" how busy is there life?????????????????????????????? lol anyway,.,,,,,, whats your opinion on abbbbbreviations? and do you erm like them........................... and why does every question on yahoo end in a "?" ..................




  1. Why do you ask stupid questions? Seriously. And you don&#039;t seem to be any better at typing yourself, genius. He probably just made a typo. God d**n.

  2. Cause in order to get answers (Yahoo Answers) you need to ask questions, and questions end in question marks which is why they are questions.

    And as for the &#039;txt tlk&#039; i have no bludy idea, don&#039;t do it myself.


  3. Err wat r u on abt, I dint undastnd much ov wat u jus sed!

    peace :)

  4. Step away from the bottle....

  5. Since I love words and grammar , I am not a great fan of shortcuts like &#039;u&#039; for you and &#039;r&#039; for are. But I my one of my least favorite things in life has got to be spelled phone #&#039;s (# is not an abbreviation; it is a symbol) such as 1800 SHORTCUT. Just give me the #! I have a life so I do not want to waste time decoding a another cheesy advertising trick!

  6. cause that kind of abbreviation is for people who are texting and it&#039;s harder to type on the phone.

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