
So let me get this right. If you're white and don't vote for Hussein Obama bin Biden?

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you are a racist. If you are a black person and don't vote for Hussein Obama bin Biden you are an Uncle Tom.

Is this how the all tolerant, loving, inclusive, for the little guy ( unless you're an unborn fetus), freedom of speech loving libs think??...




  1. Pretty much according to the Obamabots

  2. It is no coincidence that every example of fascism grew out of liberalism: Nazism (the National Socialist Party), Mussolini 's Fascist Party (a committed socialist), Maoism, Trostkyism, etc.  

    The liberal world view is not about liberating, it's about controlling.  Somehow, they ignore the entire 20th century, and the hundreds of millions of people who were murdered and starved to death because of liberal policies.  Stunning.  Everyone who fails to submit to their "enlightened" world view is lumped into one of two buckets: evil or stupid.  They are so obsessed with their messianic narcicism that they cannot conceive of anyone simply having a different opinion than theirs.  Sad.  

  3. i think you got you facts askew  

  4. No, it only means you are standing up for what's good, wholesome and right.  

  5. So this is how Republicans treat their opponents? With such disdain and disrespect?

    It's no wonder the world treats the United States like a ship of fools these days...

    We're being led by the Class Clown of Comedy.

  6. Hey, if you read it in a newsblog it must be true of EVERYONE right???

      Keep following the herd.  Baaaahhhh.

  7. When somebody foolishly puts that Hussein bit in I know where you are coming from, trying to influence my choice.  Won't work.  

    No one, other than the most extreme on both sides, is claiming that anyone is necessarily a racist or an Uncle Tom just because of the candidate you choose to support.

    And a fetus is not a human being.  I don't know when human life begins, but I know that little bit of flesh is not a human being - BUT THE MOTHER IS AND IT IS HER BODY - NOT YOURS!  When you are pregnant, you can make the decision rather to terminate the pregnancy or not, but othewise, it is none of your business.

  8. I am Native American and I am NOT voting for nobaba... Guess I am a racist as well... but truly I am not....I vote for who I want and I am not going to be pushed and or persuaded into voting for someone I truly  think lacks the EXPERIENCE!

  9. Its a double standard.  Thats the way libs seem to work.  No wonder their in the unemployment line they want the best jobs.

  10. Oh how tightly the shoe fits when it's on the other foot!

    Having grown up during the liberating times, I can personally tell you that the changes have not been for the better. We have less freedom, we are more tightly controlled and our freedom to speak have never been more repressed. This is not the equal world I thought we would be living it. It's a world turned upside down and now any opinion that goes against the new elite is subject to a hate crime standard.

  11. Exactly, and the not so funny thing is they accused Hillary of starting the use of the "Race Card".

    As I finished reading the article I found this question interesting.

    Should we start the countdown until Obama says: "This is not the Emil Jones that I know."?

    Now how is it that he claims to be a "Unifier" , yet he has managed to separate himself from his white blood, men from woman, black from white, Democrat from Republican, he has even separated himself from the Muslim groups that he use to help? So far I have not seen any real unity.

    I have questions of my own. What is his real intention to stop excepting public funding for this campaign and started excepting privet funding ? What is he trying to hide? What is his true intentions with our White House?

  12. No, but if you referring to Barack Obama as if he was some Muslim terrorist, then either you are a racist or a bigot, possibly both.

  13. Well on this forum it seems to be true and many of "posters" usually level one soon to be deleted folks come on with racial hate spew. However the average American that isn't voting for Obama simply don't like his inexperience and policies.  

  14. no it doesnt make you just means you dont want to vote for him.

    jesus,can no one these days not support someone just becuase they do not like their they have to be rascist..grow the **** up peopple.

  15. I have encountered several tolerant, loving, inclusive, for the little guy (unless you're an unborn fetus), freedom of speech loving libs who do not share that view.

  16. Very true, yes.  We see it here in politics, we read it in daily newspaper articles and magazines and right now, I could easily furnish you with 50 or more links accusing people who don't vote for the chosen one of racism.  This c**p is published day after day after day....   You'd think that overnight a second party that never existed was formed, only because Barack is black.  To be honest, these people make me sick and if nothing else, are capable of making racists out of people for the mere fact of their constant attacks and stupid accusations.

    I can not, will not, and never have voted for a socialist or anything that even smells like one and won't.  If that makes me a racist, I'll wear that label proudly.  And for those who claim that the racism label isn't being used, you are blind and stupid!

    Here is one of many articles and I mean MANY!

  17. LOL----that's exactly what is clearly inferred here. This is the first time in my life I have been accused of being a bigot or a racist.

    McCain '08

  18. Yes. since they can't use truth and logic to get Obama elected they have to play a whole deck of race cards and hope whites feel guilty enough to vote for a man who hates us.

  19. It's hard for me to say you got it right, when your so wrong...


    As seen here, the only people that say it's true are avid McCain supporters...

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