
So liberals Palin has even less exerience than Obma right?

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So answer me this who else out of McCain, Oboma, or Biden has any sort of experience being the head of the executive branch of the government at any level?




  1. Nice Photoshopping, Tina!

  2. I would have to say that the first day on the job, the new president will have more experience being a government executive than Sarah Palin has.

  3. Obama has 140 working days in the Senate. The rest is on the campaign trail.

    Palin has experience running a city and a state. Managing a budget etc.

    McCain has experience as a commander in the Navy. Making life and death decisions is good experience to me.

    Biden? I don't know. 40 years in the Senate? Not much change there.  

  4. Obama and his supporters said experience doesn't matter, so  it makes them look rather desperate now.

  5. On the issue of experience, all I have heard from liberals is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be a heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president from Day 1, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??  

  6. They can't or won't give you a good answer they don't understand the difference in executive & legislative

  7. Palin was city councilwoman, mayor and governor of Alaska. Funny how the liberals write her off as having "no experience" just because she is a woman, while Obama gets points for being a first term senator who has voted "present" (as in "I am here") more than he has EVER voted "yes" or "no". How can someone promise change who has never enacted any change?? That is just sexism and cultism.

    McCain/Palin '08!!

    Just say NO to Obama Bin Biden and Obamanation!!

  8. Stop taking things out of context. Palin has less foreign policy leadership than any candidate has ever had and no experience running any diverse population.  

  9. Let's not forget that Palin was the head of the PTA. That alone makes her suitable to confront the problems of the world.

  10. Obviously Biden, McCain, and Obama weren't in the executive branch, fine, but that doesn't mean you can discredit Obama's accomplishments.

    -Senator Obama's fight for universal children's health care in Illinois. His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

    -His success bringing Republicans and Democrats together (a huge selling point for me in general) on bills such as the one in Illinois requiring police interrogations and confessions to be videotaped.

    -His leadership on ethics reform in Washington (the bill that lobbyists and special interests are complaining about right now has his name on it). His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

    -His bill to make the federal budget far more transparent and accessible to Americans via the Internet -- we could use that openness in Texas.

    -And his vital work with Republicans to lock down nuclear weapons around the world.

    chart from his experience in the Illinois State Senate, the bills he wrote and sponsered:

  11. Amen.

    Oh the irony is sweet.

  12. Thanks for admitting that Palin has no experience. Running a state with less people than San Bernadino doesn't qualify you to run a nation of 300 million.

  13. Tina thank you for the picture,I now have a new desk top background.

    Palin is a fighter that is not swayed by party lines,by definition that is "change" from the current standard.Like it or not, both sides cover up for their own.

    Palin is not afraid to make a difficult decision,she has challenged the oil companies in her state and closed their loop holes .

    Obama has voted present on more than over 100 bills,thus not taking a stand on anything.

    His sermon was full of empty promises that he can't possibly enact or even afford.His numbers don't add up,give a tax increase to the top 5% of the income earning public.While giving the other 95% tax breaks?

  14. You are obviously a fool

    first of all its "Obama" not "Oboma"

    second of all, Palin got elected city mayor with 909 votes, she got elected governor with 33,000 votes... Alaska has a population of 600,000 which is about 6 times less than that of chicago.

    For peace sake, I could even be governor of Alaska, Its easier to run and win that position than to become a mayor in any of of the top 20 large cities in the U.S

    Lets not forget, Palin is the same woman who said that she didn't even know what the V.P job was...she also said that she wasn't "keeping up" with politics and the war in Iraq.... Can this woman even identify Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Georgia, or Iran on the map??

  15. I don't know if it's just ignorance or hate, but Obama and Palin are on 2 totally different political levels. Obama has been involved in a Complex Political arena. Palin has not even entered this arena yet. The Campaign that Obama ran alone is far more complex than anything Palin has been involved in. As a Matter of Fact Obama has more people in his campaign than Palin has in her State. For the hard headed People who say Obama went to harvard as Some sort of AA project, He purposely did not put his Race on the Application, and he graduated at the TOP of his class. Don't be so hateful that you can't give credit where it is due.

  16. Obama has less experience than Palin. I like how the left wing liberal bias media has just gone crazy over Palin. Last night Campbell Brown was interupting, yelling and lisping more than usual. She even said "our" candidate Obama. Now that is unbiased reporting!

  17. "Most  neutral observers are scratching their heads. McCain's strongest argument against Obama is that he doesn't have the experience to be President. How can his first major personnel choice be someone with demonstrably less experience than Obama (6 years as mayor of a village with 5400 people and 21 months as governor vs. 8 years in the Illinois state senate and 3 1/2 years in the U.S. Senate)? Doesn't that undermine his whole campaign?"

    satcomgr, you're original question was "So liberals Palin has even less exerience than Obma right?".  Only in your "more detail" did you throw in "executive". Thanks for demonstrating that right wingers can't properly use yahoo answers.

  18. Good point...but, I really think Tina's pic says more than words ever could.

  19. Obama is the least experienced of the four.  McCain the most experienced and Biden the second most.  

  20. Alaska has a very small population and does not experience the same racial, crime or poverty problems as mainland USA. She was a big fish in a very small pond.  Her experience does not compare to the experience of the Governor of a larger state with larger problems and a larger budget  How would she deal with workers who have lost good paying jobs in the manufacturing sector because those jobs have left the country.  Go out and shoot them a moose.

  21. Obama has less experience than Palin.

    Palin actually has more executive experience than any of the other players.. she may have to teach them all!

  22. She has experience. Doing what? The picture is worth a thousand words:

  23. That would be Palin.

  24. Actually we might be shocked a little but she is not important enough to keep talking about her

  25. She has been in Politics for 16 Years

    Obama has been in, at most you can say, 4 years.

    Get new information?

  26. Obama and Biden 08!

  27. She runs a state.

    The others run campaigns.

    Libs are spinning themselves right into a deep hole.

  28. I think the argument would be beyond you, so continue drinking your lite beer and scratching your nuts and believing you're anything close to smart.

  29. They have the same amount time working in politics.  It is accurate that Palin was a two terms mayor and has been Governor for 2 years.  No other candidate on either ticket has that exact experience.  Being a Mayor does not directly relates to the actual role of being the President of the US.  I know many supporters of Palin will try to sell this point, but no one in their right mind equates being Mayor of 7,000 population city is on the same experience level as US President.  If this was a valid point, every two term mayor in every city of the US would be the best qualified for the job as President of US.  This debate about Palin's executive credentials falls short.

    The people with the best experience of being President are George Bush and Bill Clinton (2 terms both).  Now which has proven record of being President, answer Bill.

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