
So libs, are you happy that GM lost 15.5 Billion in the 2nd quarter? Isn't that why you hate Exxon-Mobil?

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because it is profitable?

How many people will lose their jobs if GM continues to lose money? How many people will get jobs if Exxon-Mobil stays profitable and is allowed to drill and explore?




  1. The question is so ignorant that it would be below me to address its content.

  2. Hey dipsh&t, Why dont you call your worthless president and whine to him, hes the one in charge. Why dont they drill in the areas set up for drilling? Answer= then the republicans wouldnt have any more excuses.

  3. I suggest you begin to think of the people on this planet as something besides a resource for your exploitation. Some of us have had enough of your strategies for personal wealth building that are nothing more than legalized Ponzi schemes. We don't respect the corporate world, because it robs the poor and pays off the wealthy. The speculators of the world markets generate burdens for those with the least affluence, while siphoning plenty of commission. How many are put out of work by political strategies? It is just a balance, and it is a game benefitting those that play, at the expense of the rest of us.

  4. Hmmm..... gosh, I don't remember ever reading one single solitary word anywhere that "Dems hate profitable companies."

  5. More campaign contributions are on the way to our GOP candidates from Exxon-Mobil, guys!!!

  6. GM couldn't adapt to the changing market that has expressed itself in the last 4 years.  Rising fuel cost combined with stagnating wages means people can no longer afford to drive the 100+ mph cars and huge SUVs.  GM needed to adapt or this would obviously happen.

    On a side note, good for Exxon-Mobile.  Now instead of creating a severance package for your CEO, how about building a f*cking refinery or two.

  7. If Exxon-Mobil was an Asian or African based company, they would be 'singing its praises'...

  8. well, GM lost $$ and is cutting jobs because they make crappy cars that cant compete with European and Asian cars----oh well

  9. I thought cons believed in capitalism and the free market.

    If GM can't supply what the market needs, then perhaps they should go out of business. Isn't that the definition of capitalism?

    What are you, a socialist?

    And Exxon isn't about "being profitable" Exxon is about price-gouging, exploitation, pollution, environmental destruction, and stealing our tax dollars by taking governmental "incentive" millions every single year.

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