
So lonely and want someone to hold.....?

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im a 17 year old senior and i feel so depressed and lonely all the time.......all the girls i ever like either dont like me back or are duds and do nothing but sleep around and drink.........i go to a pretty small school and just want a girlfriend who gets me and i completely feel close has gotten so bad that i have unintentionally hit on some freshmen girls that only like me cause i am older...........what can i do?? i dont want to feel like this.....




  1. keep lookin im sure youll find someone. if not at skool look somewhere else. theres plenty of great girls waiting for someone like u. so dont waste ur time with those other girls who wont give u the time of day and go looking for someone u deserve.

  2. Hey awesomestud or whatev ur name is!

    um i'm very sorry you feel that way. You can hug a pillow. Or you can put a huge monster size poster of ur celebrity crush on ur wall and stare at her all day. I'm just kidding. sorry

       BUt ya. You need to chillax. be patient and the right gal will come around. you seem like you really want someone who you can get close to in that bff kinda way, and also as that intense couple way. Don't rush into things either. That's how peeps get desperate and go hittin on younger kids. It's not that bad what u did, but just be cautious. Because if an older guy was majorly flirting with me, i'd think he'd just wanna get in my pants. bc ya know that's what stupid peeps do these days. Take advatage of others. So ya. Patience young dude, dont get too desperate, and have fun. Enjoy life with or without someone to hold! I wish you the very best of luck out there! Peace

  3. Join the club dude. But seriously, w/e focus on you schoolwork! lol. But the right girl will come along, you just have to be patient... good luck.

  4. hey whats wrong with freshman. lol. but i think thats something everyone goes through. its hard but as long as you have friend and people you can talk to about it, it gets alittle bit easier. sounds like u have bad taste in girls. well dont date the duds they are just annoying lol and maybe the other girls dont like you because there not the right one for you.

    if you ever need someone to talk to you can email me. im really easy to get along with and ill listen to your problems and help you. or even if u just wanna talk.

    my email is  

  5. man i know its hard..

    but i was 20 before anything happened..

    your 17

    so chill... go out drink, have fun, be friends with girls and dont try to push anything and things will fall in place for you... promise

  6. Hey man, this is senior year!  Don't worry about girls, you are about to take the next big step in your life, and you can't let a bunch of girls drag you down because they don't understand you.  It's not your fault you actually are looking for something quality, and honestly, high school relationships almost never survive past senior year.  You're at an awkward age anyways, where most of the girls younger than you are about to be legally off limits, assuming you turn 18 anytime soon.  So why bother?  Just find a girl you can be friends with and confide in, and be sure and give her awesome hugs.  She will teach you a lot more than you'll learn chasing after all the girls who are drinking and sleeping around, and you will be a lot more comfortable with girls the more of them you can call your friends.

  7. flirt around or go to a club;...

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