
So many Braxton Hicks!!!! ?

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I have been Getting Braxton Hicks Non-Stop!!!! For the last two days. They come and go like crazy, I never seem to get a break.

I use to get them a couple times here and there before, but nothing like it is now.

Could this possibly mean I could go into labor soon? I'm only 32 weeks!




  1. If you are having more than 6 per hour for more than 1 hour, you need to be seen by your doctor or go the the L&D unit for monitoring. That might be preterm labor and not just BHs. You can have preterm labor that changes your cervix and not be all that uncomfortable.

    If it's less than 6 and just irritating you, lie down on your left side, drink a big glass of water and that should help calm an irritable uterus.

    Please call your doctor for further guidance. Better safe than sorry.

    Good luck!

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