
So many pregnancy symptoms or just exaggerated PMS?Please help with advice.

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I truly realize that despite my hopes and fears time will tell if the period comes or not. However, I am currently about 11/12 dpo (7-31-08). I spotted on 7-8, and 7-9. Full period began on 7-10. Period should come bw 8-4, & 8-6. DH and i had intercourse on 7-16, 7-19 & 20. According to Clear Blue digital OPK I got the "happy face" a.m. of 7-20. On 7-25 I had a snack of celery & dip and noticed an undeniable metallic taste in mouth. The taste lasted from afternoon thru evening. Chewing gum made it much worse. I had a dentist appt. previously scheduled the next day and I have no oral problems. Dentist and assistant both smiled and mentioned metal taste as a common sign of early pg. (so sorry to ramble, just really worried b/c the BFN hurts so much). Little by little I have noticed other indications such as mild cramping on 7-26 evening thru 5 am 7-27. After cramps subsided, the right side of my abdomen was so sore... near rib area. The real kicker here is the incredible mood swings. i ruined my 2 yr anniv. on 7-29 over REALLY minor details that normally I would've gotten over. I turned phone off, and cried throughout the day. This emo state cont. through next day as well. I do not get like this at all when i pms. I only crave chocolate:0). Aside from dull lower back aches, I recall seeing a bright blue vein on my chest. The past few days I have been tired, but not drop over tired like others describe. My chest was sore today, but not unbearable and I am afraid it is AF.

I timed everything up exactly when i was supposed to, and all these indications have me both too hopeful, and scared to hope. I am almost 33 and worried about my age. This would be my first. I am visually impaired, so reading HPT lines drive me nuts. Too scared to take a digital b/c of the potential BFN. I pray so hard and have a strong faith, but I just know so many people who are happy, healthy and unable to have children. I am also surrounded my many friends and family members riht now who are in various stages of pregnancy.

I realize no one here can tell me for sure, I guess I am hoping to hear similiar stories and maybe just some support. Please don't respond to be critical or mean. I am almost crying right now just reflecting on the circumstance.

Thank you all so much, God bless you all and i pray each one of you receives your blessings as well.

I am soo sorry this turned out to be a novel. My friends and fam almost yell at me and I don't need that right now.




  1. All anyone can really suggest is to take a pt or wait until it's the right time.Also,if you're not,I know it's hard but try to just not think about it so much.Just have fun.You could also just be moody or emotional from the sress of trying to be pregnant so it's hard to tell you whether it's because you're pregnant or not.But most of all just remember,God will make it happen when he wants it to so just be patient.I know this is not want to hear so I'm sorry,I'm just trying to help;)

  2. hey hun.  i know you how feel with the BFN's... i have had my share.  DH and i have been TTC since march with no luck.. my problem is my periods are very irregular and i haven't even had a period since starting TTC.  i went to the dr monday and got provera to induce a period which i am taking for ten days then my period should finally start within 4-10 days after that (around the first week or so in august i hope) then i can start my clomid so i can ovulate!  i really hope this will be my month as well!  this will also be my first.

    your symptoms so sound like pregnancy especially when you mentioned the metallic tasts, emotions and the vein.  the cramping could have also been implantation.  that would have been around the time for it!  you did everything right, and i think you are pregnant!  =P  dont get your hopes up too too high because if is a negative then it will just bring you down again and having stress and being emotional is no good with TTC.  it can throw your body way way way off.  wait til your period due before you take a test to put away the risk of getting any false negatives that may make you sad.  at least if you know your test is accurate you wont be worrying about it.  

    good luck and i hope this is your month!!  keep your head up.  if this month fails, remember, you are timing it right and you are ovulating correctly so it is only  a matter of time or just a couple months before you get your BFP.  theres always next month.  and i am here with you!  if you need anything my email is  dont cry and be sad.  i know how you feel.  i am there.  all will work out like it is supposed to.  i know its hard to hear people say that, and i dont like to hear it either, but we have to face it it is true.  theres nothing we can do but time it and try.  the rest is up to our bodies which we have no control of!  good luck!!

  3. Try waiting one or twor more days, (almost right up until AF due) then test first thing in the morning with a Digital.

    I went through similar this month and was testing every morning and getting BFN's. It continued until my AF arrived. Unfortunately, if you are pg this month, you have a very good chance of getting a BFP now. A BFN is still a maybe til AF arrives, but deep down i knew mine wasnt going to turn positive.

    Good Luck

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