
So me and my roomate built a homemade hot tub inside our house and are looking for a cheap way to heat it....?

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We built a homemade hot tub in one of our rooms... now we have the wooden frame, the filter and the water all in. We are now confused on how we will be able to heat this from inside the house? We arent trying to spend 300 dollars on an electic heater.. so does anyone have a cheap alternative pleaseee??




  1. just light a bunch of candles under the wooden frame. dont worry its a wooden frame so it won't catch on fire because wood doesnt burn.  better yet you can run "heat trace" wires around the edge of the water. make sure the wires are fully submerged, you dont want to start a fire.

    i should tell you before I go i am not serious about this answer I dont want you to listen and end up burning your house down or worse yet electrocuted.

  2. unless you want to risk burning down your house (or your landlords) I would nix the heating the water......which by the way, how do you get the water into the homemade hot tub?

  3. I hope this is not a college-type roommate; if it is, I am even more deeply troubled about the products of our education system.

    If you want to heat a "home-made" hot tub; take it out in the back yard, and burn it; try not to hurt yourselves while doing it. You will certainly kill yourselves if you continue with this "great" idea.

    Or, for a one-time only, really cheap thrill; sit in it while filling it with water. See how long it takes you to visit the folks that live below you (I hope you have a "Stupid People Tricks" rider on your renter's insurance.)

  4. try not to kill your crazy ***

  5. Cut a big hole in your roof, and let the sun shine in.

    Or, call a licensed electrician. <}:-})

  6. A US gallon of fresh water at 4 degrees C weighs 8.34 pounds. This is what you should be worrying about. Don't forget the occupants of the tub!!

    As for the heat, run a black hose outside or on the roof and use some plumbing skills and include a pump to capture the suns heat, maybe make a small solar panel.

    good luck!!

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