
So much for t6he Consensus.?

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If there is a consensus among scientist, then why do we hear about new scientific discoveries every week which goes against the "Resolved Science?" Seems to me, just about every bit of evidence for AGW has been disputed.




  1. every part of science is theory,it then gets proven by experimenting over and over and getting the same result.Its not projected,nor is it in consensus(an opinion only) it is proven by trial and error,and if we cannot predict how much water vapor is in any one area at every given moment,then the computer models are flawed.(Look up (Dr.) Roy Spencer.

  2. The article also said "Our [Arizona's] rain will end up in Oregon."  I don't think you read it very closely.

    Climate change is just that, change.  The major points of the models have been confirmed by observation (rapid warming of the poles).  Some of the other things are still being worked out.  Do you think that new discoveries in chemistry mean that the alchemists were right all along?  If you do, you shouldn't trust yourself with important things like money, or deciding to breed.

  3. You are missing a fundamental point.  Reality does not depend on your opinion, your religion, your political point of view, how good looking you are or how rich your parents are.  A statistical tend is just that.  What you do with the information is your concern.  Do you want to profit from the information, or be left behind?  Personally, I'm tired to trying to explain science to people.

  4. The AGW consensus is that:

    A) Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising

    B) Humans are responsible for that rise

    C) Increased atmospheric CO2 levels will warm the average global temperature

    There's nothing in your linked report that contradicts that.  The problem many doubters seem to have is that they can't distinguish between the actual consensus and every sub-topic in the field of climatology.

    Sub-topics will continue to be debated for centuries (that's good, that's the way science works).  But just because scientists don't yet know everything about climate, doesn't mean that they don't yet know anything about it.

  5. could you please tell me where this new evidence disproving AGW has been published. all this artical is saying is that ocean currents may strengthen instead of weaken. ie not disproving AGW.

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