
So much pain, felt like dying was a better option!

by  |  earlier

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The pain started at around 7:00. I had loads of stomach cramps before that period of time, and I went to the toilet, and I had massive diarrhoea. The amount of f***s coming out were tons, and pain started to get worse. It went bad. Really bad. I felt like dying was a better option. At this time, my stomach felt like it was stuck with pins and sharp knives were inside it. The pain was excruciating. Nothing could describe it. My knees starting jerking really bad(the kneecaps were moving up and down real fast), I couldn't control them. I could hardly move, and my limbs were harder to control. Time seemed to have slowed. I think I was in the bathroom for 1 hour. Or more. For some reason, after I peed , the pain seem to have lessen. I couldn'tt be sure. I finally took a shower but I was weak and shaking after the ordeal.

Oh and before the whole event, I drank 2 bowls of milk at 4:30. Don't know if that helps. Please, I need some feedback, or if you know what caused the pain.

Oh, and I don't have STD's or aids.




  1. You could be highly allergic to milk. It can cause the symptoms you described.

  2. Better go to a doctor, particularly since you might now be dehydrated.

    Except for the limb jerking, it sounds like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is really bad abdominal cramps, that never seem to end.

    I have found that if I feel I need to go to the toilet, I should not hold on, I should go immediately (regardless of how warm it is in bed, how cold the morning) because this seems to bring on the stomach cramps.

    I went to the A & E twice with these symptoms, once to a specialist, and neither was able to diagnose the condition, it took my own doctor who had some knowledge of general and common diseases, to diagnose me.

  3. go to a doctor, you'll get a better answer there then you can get on yahoo

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