
So muslims, if all the prophets were muslim?

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Then what about Moses? Was he not Jewish and was out to bring the Jews to the promised land?

Or do you believe he was muslim and the slaves to Pharoah were muslims? Please tell me the Islamic view on Moses?




  1. as most of the Prophets, Moses was from "Children of Israel" the lineage of Israel, Israel is no other than Jacob son of Isac son of Abraham.

    Islam sees all those who believed in Moses (Arabic: "yahoud" from the verb "Ihtada" meaning= found the right way) and all those who believed in Jesus as Messenger of God (Arabic: Nasara from the verb "Nasara" meaning= helped and stood with) and all others who believed in the other Prophets of God as Muslims since they all believed in the same message of the same God, which is worship the one God and don't associate with him.

  2. Yep Moses was more jewish than mel brooks

  3. all prophets were muslims

  4. Moses comes from a Jewish lineage but he is a Muslim in belief and indeed  all the prophets are Muslim because Islam means submission to Gods will .

    By the way if you believe in God you should become a Muslim too.

  5. Each and every Prophet taught Islamic monotheism. Muhammad(pbuh) taught it under the name of Islam, however, each Prophet came with the same message of Islamic monotheism. A Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allah. All Prophets submitted to Allah's will. Musa(saw) had language that was not arabic, so he was not named Muslim. But the word Muslim goes far beyond the name. It is a purpose, a reason for creation and is symbollic of true unfaltererd unselfish devotion to God. Musa(pbuh) and every Prophet exemplified the characteristics of the word Muslim even if they are not called under this arabic word.

  6. Moses (as) was a true prophet of God.  The definition of a Muslim is "one who submits" i.e. to the will of God. Hence, by that definition all prophets were indeed Muslim, and all were indeed sinless.  Most certainly Prophet Moses (as) will be rewarded with a very high position in paradise.

    love for all, hatred for none

  7. Yes, Moses like all prophets was also a Muslim, and so were the early Jews. These Muslims in Egypt had to face severe persecution from the Pharoah so Allah sent Moses to rescue them and bring them to the promised land.

    However Islamic traditions tell us that after Moses died the Jews gradually turned away from the true faith, they added their  own innovations to the faith and over time completely changed their religion.

    So, today's Jews are in no way near Islam.

  8. Surah Ta-Ha:

    Moosa (Moses) came upon a fire where he stopped and went to it. There he heard Allah's voice and was told to go convince the pharaoh. When there, Moosa told him and some obeyed and some didn't. As Moosa gave more proof, some of pharaoh's slaves bowed down in repentance to Allah, making them Muslim. So Moosa was a Muslim.

    Peace for all!

  9. Islam came in to being in organised form, only after Muhammad. All the prophets including Muhammad were not muslim for obvious reasons.

    You shall not twist the facts to suit your paradigms.

  10. the earth is muslim, the sun is muslim, everything thats not intelligent is muslim, and every human muslim is intelligent. Therefore whether islam had been established or not, musa was born muslim like all humans are, and accepted that there is only one god consciously, and due to fate and chis character, he was bestowed prophet hood and hikma.

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