
So my aunt told me her two holes became one during labor?

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and now i am freaking out.




  1. thats very true! im a nurse and that does happen! you can tear yourself bad if the docs dont know what they are doing!!!!!!!

  2. LOL... someone is trying to scare you... lol... Whatever.. this is so untrue...

  3. Its called a fistula.  Look it up.  Not a pleasant thing.  Not very common in Western society.  It mostly happens in underdeveloped countries where Female genital mutilation still happens.

    If your aunt gave birth in a western hospital and ended up with one, it was likely the result of a botched episiotomy.  Episiotomies are unnecessary anyway.  Talk with your health care provider about how to avoid an episiotomy and what your fears are about your aunt.

    Edited to add: Okay, so she was cut and had a fourth degree tear.  The best way to avoid an episiotomy is to hire a provider who doesn't do one.  Here is some information for you.

    I have given birth twice.  For my first I tore a little, but only had a couple stitches.  For my second I didn't tear at all.  No episiotomy either time.

  4. Well, one of my sisters did rip from her v****a to her r****m during labor, but that is just because she had a horrible doctor who would not do an episiotomy. As long as you have a good doctor, you will not have that problem. Good Luck.

  5. its called an episiotomy and there are different degrees of episiotomies. not all women need to have them done though. just because your aunt had one that was that deep does not mean that you will. very rarely do they ever have to cut that deeply. here is the definition for you:

    Episiotomy: A surgical procedure for widening the outlet of the birth canal to facilitate delivery of the baby and to avoid a jagged rip of the perineum (the area between the a**s and the v***a, the opening to the v****a).

    During an episiotomy, an incision is made between the v****a and the r****m. The usual cut goes straight down and does not involve the muscles around the r****m or the r****m itself.

    An episiotomy can decrease the amount of maternal pushing, trauma to the vaginal tissues and expedite delivery of the baby when delivery is necessary quickly. The repair is straightforward and is fairly simple.

    However, episiotomy is also associated with a higher incidence of extensions or tears into the muscle of the r****m or even the r****m itself which is more difficult to repair and more painful for the mother.

    The typical healing time for an episiotomy is about 4-6 weeks depending on the size of the incision and the type of suture material used to close the episiotomy.

    I'm sure you will be fine. You can discuss any concerns or worries over with your doctor and he/she will be able to more effectively answer your questions and calm your fears.

  6. sometimes is normal..

    they just cut that part to make more way for the baby.

    dont worry, docs fix it.. they go back to normal

  7. This happend to me but it is not very common.  I had a small pelvis and a big baby who was face up.  I got an episiotomy (cut) and then split the rest of the way.  Then they used forceps after that which didnt help the situation.  Dont freak out to much because it is rare.  Out of everyone I know I am the only one to have this happen.  Even with over 100 stitches inside and out I would do it all over again because it saved my babys life.  Good luck honey!

  8. WHAT?  Like her vag and her b******e or what?  How does she know...what she watchin?  I've never heard of that.  She might have tore a little but two holes dont become one.

  9. I guess it could happen but im sure its really really rear, in fact i would'nt be sure that it did happen because my understanding is that she would probley need surgery afterwards because your r****m (b******e) is connected too the bottom of your intestines.

    But some girls do tear a little bit and they may numb you up and need too cut you then  sew you back up but you will be medicated. When you tear a little though your not medicated but you dont really know its happening though as werid as it sounds.

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