
So my bf wants me to show stuff over the cam but im not ready, wat shud i do?

by  |  earlier

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i told him that i was not ready cuz im sooo NOT proud of my body shape. nd then we kinda got sum silience by that, our talk slows down abit i mean..but i know we do love each other so much, nd i just told my parents that id move to stay with him around next year..btw we r living apart, 2 diffrent countries.

but i really dont wanna let him down by the shyness i get at this stuff..else im good, sooo wat shud i do???




  1. If the guy truly love you he wouldn't ask you such a question, I think you need to find a real boyfriend, someone who will like you for you.

  2. Just say "But Baby, aren't you concerned about what people might think about the size of your package if it gets on the internet somehow?" ~ Ok, I'm totally kidding, but that should shut him up for awhile

  3. from personal experiences, i too liked to video tape myself and other women having sexual acts as well with showing myself and having another woman show herself through cams.  it excited me intensely.  some guys i know show it off to other people.  you seem the type of girl who has some sense.  don't do it unless that's your slice of pie.  since then i've grown a sense of pride and responsibility.

  4. You have three choices - COMPROMISE, DO IT and regret it, or, SAY NO.  

    Anytime, anyone, anywhere, asks you to do anything, these are your choices - - always has, and always will be, your choice.  Everyone has this very basic RIGHT.

  5. If he loved you he wouldnt be upset that you dont feel comfortable doing it. Just a quick note: Anyone could be present while you do it, not just him. Think about superbowl parties and you on the screen

  6. I think you need to listen to yourself. If you do things over a webcam, it can be shown to the rest of the world in a heart-beat. Do you really want that?

    I don't care if you've been seeing this guy for years and years....I've had long distnace relationships where the guy would visit and one actually came cross-country to my town to live near me. Two months later, I realized he wasn't the guy I thought he was and he dumped me. The fact you're considering moving to a different country for this guy is a bit frightening. You have no idea what you're getting into. Your parents should be concerned.

    You sound very young and you need to work on your spelling so you can be understood a bit better. You also need to work on your self esteem. Be proud of your body. You can always work on your body but learning to love yourself as is isn't the easiest thing for some people. I think once you do that, this guy will be history.

    If he doesn't like you posing in front of a camera, tell him to go find someone who will or to look at some p**n. If he threatens to dump you, let him. he isn't worth it.

  7. tell him your not ready ,. plain and simple.

  8. Say "I'm not ready", and then work on your self esteem?

  9. he cant make you do anything suggest something else....

    like on the phone

  10. Warning, please, do NOT not not show him anything over the camera, and please, NOT because it has anything whatsoever to do with your pride in your body shape, but because anything you do could be abused.  Anything you show could be all over the internet and shared with half the world in a heartbeat.  Do you ever want the possibility of that happening?   If you don't want that to happen, then don't ever put yourself in the position of releasing such information.  That would put you completely in his power, and if he is mad he could misuse the pictures.  Why do that at all?  He knows who you are, so why is he even asking?  Don't do it!  People who love you don't ask you to do things that make you uncomfortable.  

  11. if your not ready then your not ready,

  12. come on, you already know what we're all gonna say.

  13. Don't do it.  How do you know what another person is going to do with your image?  If it doesn't feel right to you, then you are probably right.  Trust your own instincts.

  14. All you can do is be honest w/him.  You just do not feel comfortable doing what he asks & at this time you're just unable to do it.  He has no choice but to respect your feelings & your wishes.  Don't you feel bad about it either.  You're entitled to you feelings & no one should try to force you into doing something you don't want to do.  If he keeps it up, then he's sure not showing you any respect & I'd honestly think twice about him & exactly what does he want you for to begin with...You have the rite to do exactly what you want to do.  If he can't respect you for that, then I'd start to really wonder about him.  He either wants you for the way you are, or he doesn't have you at all.  Just stand up for yourself & don't be ashamed by the way you feel.  Best to you...:)

  15. just tell him you are not ready yet. if he cant understand that then he doesnt have any respect for you, meaning he doesnt deserve you.  

  16. dont feel like your obliged to do anything your not comfortable with

  17. Don't give anyone that kind of power over you maintain your privacy and your dignity.Besides what happens if you break up?

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