
So my cockatiel just laid an egg? HELP!?

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If/when it hatches, do I do anything or leave them be. I have a male and female and I'm positive it's fertile because i've seen them mating before...actually quite often:] Any additional information is welcomed!!





  1. well make sure you NEVER touch the egg!!! EVER!!!!!!

    if you have a nest the birds should do everything themselves, but i think you have to get baby bird food, not sure on that.

  2. what ever you do don't touch the egg and try not to take the mother out of the cage too often

    here is a link i found to be very informative!

    good luck and congratulations!

  3. I was going to say hard boil it, but changed my mind cuz it sounded mean :) (hehehe)  The bun in the oven will be just fine, let them take care of it and dont touch any of the eggs.  If you have a nesting box, BEWARE, they ARE love machines and you will end up with 18.  Like I did once :)  Good luck and congrats, your are grand (ma or pa) sorry, missed your name :)

  4. It depends on where she laid it.  If it's on the floor of the cage, it may have dropped when she was sitting on a perch, if so, then it probably isn't viable--and if she laid it on the cage floor, it will be too cold there to incubate.  If she laid it in a nestbox, she may lay more eggs over the course of the next few days (usu. one every 2 days). It being her first egg clutch, she and hubby may not know how to take care of them and the eggs will not hatch or the babies will die. Do not disturb them if they are sitting on the eggs, they will be aggressive towards you.  Make sure there is a nestbox in there for them, if you are wanting those eggs to hatch.  Read all you can on newly hatched chicks, if that is indeed what will happen.  It/they will hatch in 21 days if viable (life sustaining).  You can usually see if this is the case by holding a candle to the egg in a dark room, but I wouldn't recommend it, as you can kill the chick inside if you jostle the egg.  Wait and see what happens, and in the meantime, read all you can about baby tiels, there are great websites you can find by googling "cockatiel breeding" etc.  If the baby(ies) hatches, the parents may or may not take care of it properly; if they do not, you will need to know what to do to feed it yourself--which is an extremely tricky and precarious position to be in as a novice!!  Wishing your flock the best!!!

  5. Hi,

    No just let the birds get on with raising them and don't handle the chicks as the parents will just abandon them and so kill them.

    You will need to keep an eye on them though just open the nest box and peak in, as i have had it before where babies have got poo etc stuck in their nostrels and so you need to remove it and just risk the parents abandoning them.

  6. Well I have two cockatiels also and they just layed eggs. Make sure you keep an eye on your two cockatiels. If they dont have a nest box, go out and buy one. Give them two bowls of water, two food bowls.(the mother will bathe herself alot later when the eggs are almost ready, and she will take alot of food to her babies when they are born). Also get some aspen litter stuff or soft wood shavings for bedding(put it in the nest box(keep in mind that the bird might not go in the nest box for a while after you add it, get her used to by leading her into it,do that a couple of times then she will get used to it) so the chicks will not have disabilities by spreading their legs apart)!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. well it would only be fertile if they have a nestbox, its almost impossable for an egg to be fertile lying on the bottom of the cage or in a food bowl, next they birds will raise the eggs themevles just get special breeding food for them to eat so they can feed the babies, simple seed and pellets arent that good, also make she their is plenty of cuttlebone for the parronts to eat, dont disturb the egg or the parronts until they are done feeding the babies, then u can tame the baby yourself  goodluck...check out for good tiel info

  8. Get a book and hurry and read it. The quicker that you learn how to deal with them the better it will be for the birds.

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